Proving once again there's only about an eighth of a vowel between BBC newsreaders and those sheep-botherers in Suffolk or somegoddamnwhere.

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Paint--Huffington On-the-Moranshire.

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Problem is, most of us wouldn't understand Le Pen whatever brand of French they spoke.

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Stabbing is just too messy for the US, we prefer shooting sloppily across parking lots, usually hitting random passerby on their way back from bible study, who were the first member of their family to go to college.

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Plus 100 for cockney rhyming slang!

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Holy shit. As "a black", that is an amazingly racist turn of phrase, so direct and to the point, and it fucking rhymed on top of all that. Even in 1964 your racists were ahead of American southerners! If George Wallace had run on that openly racist slogan, he might still be president today. I certainly wouldn't be getting my $100K yearly reparation check from the government.

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today is my birthday and this post and the Camper of Truth have pretty much made it.

thank you wonkette.

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actually he looked like a bit of a sensitive bloke - almost weepy in fact.

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also, i'm totally using this as an audition piece (contemporary comedic, dialect of your choosing).

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"Incoherent anger." Stealing from the Tea Party platform.

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