Now you know the perfect gift for the convict on your list: soap-on-a-rope.

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Hey, that's not how I work . . . I merely suggested it.

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If everyone who lied under oath was struck down, you would see a line of hearses outside every court building.

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Is this worthy of a Bronx cheer?

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That and the hobgoblin of all movies set in antiquity, the fucking cleanliness.

These people are always so damn clean, and their skin, hair and teeth are always flawless (with the exception of the token peasant extras).

They are always wearing white, which is always white, somehow, in the days when urine hadn't yet ceded the job of whitening to Clorox.

See? You've already tuned out....

Fine. I'll go be a dork over here, by myself.

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If he had been reading Crime and Punishment, definitely guilty.

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And the heart of right-wing sex education.

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Who knew Adult Day Cares competed? I've got Shady Rest at the top of my western bracket.

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Jail is also adult day care. Except it's 24x7 so even better!

Stevenson is probably praying his colleagues were bribed so jail companies would provide better meals and undroppable soap.

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They were smiting him with dollars! Of course he turned to the bible.

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I try to like Gladiator movies. But I have a history degree, and I end up picking them apart, as they are universally poorly researched and full of glaring historical errors.

So it isn't so much that I don't enjoy them, but that others don't enjoy watching them with me...

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Triple dog guilty

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