and whose brother's VP told a member of congress to fuck himself, no?

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on a day of inclement weather i would just like to remind jeb of 'katrina'.

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"Speakest thou bullshit?" was actually a common phrase used by Madison, who if I'm not mistaken was president at some long ago time.

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How can someone whose mother is a cunt, father is a dick, and has one brother who is the biggest asshole that's ever been in politics be upset about a word like 'bullshitter'?

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Selective outrage is still selective.

The sad part is that the next time Republican president does something similar, the Democrats will just look like petty hypocrites for objecting to the lack of objecting.

The only way out of this destructive cycle of fingerpointing is to never elect a Republican again, obviously.

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And talk about coarsening' the sainted Presidency:

<i>A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it. You're either with us or against us. I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. Some folks look at me and see a certain swagger, which in Texas is called "walking." Bring them on.


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Zombie LBJ is laughing his fucking ass off.

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Hey Jeb! Is your brother off the nose candy yet?

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He said that to <i>my</i> senator (at the time).

But to be fair, I've called Dubya Bush a motherfucking cocksucker who would cut off his mother's dick to piss off his father. In my defense, every word is true.

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Jeb has never met Dick Cheney?

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When it comes to demeaning the presidency nobody will ever top the Shrub. Nobody.

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Big Time!

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Used eminent domain to secure land for a private baseball park.

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<i>When you act like that, it’s kind of hard to say as a parent to your child, ‘You could be a president of the United States</i>

Goodness, you can tell they're REALLY in panic mode when their best offense is disingenuous daintiness.

Hey Jeb , I've got 2 words for you. Nixon Tapes.

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Hey, Jeb, in the words of the esteemed Dick Cheney, go fuck yourself.

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