The only Romans left are the Roman Catholics.

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If the US is a theocracy, then whatever legislation gets passed is obviously God's Will. Yes, INCLUDING Gay Marriage. And if God doesn't like it, let Him come on down and say something about it.

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God's REAL Laws, about things like gravity and the speed of light, seem pretty unbreakable, actually.

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Whichever the true one is. Or truthiest, at any rate.

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Wait...are we sure that is supposed to be Jesus? With the Tree of Gondor on his chest, and the beard and long hair, Imma thinking that may be Aragorn. You know: <blockquote> <em>"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, and am called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dúnadain, the heir of Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor. Here is the sword that was broken and is forged again! Will you aid me or thwart me? Choose swiftly!"</em> </blockquote>

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and roll a d20 for the modifier...

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The problem is that the laws that God would approve of include banning football on Sundays (y'know the whole "keep the Sabbath holy" bit).

If he wants to try and push that in Texas, he's in for a rude awakening. Down there God takes a backseat to the Cowboys in the fall.

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Fischer's logic is just stupid and ignorant enough to be agreed with by tens of millions of Americans.

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I vote Clapton.

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Suggested Alt-text "Hey, mister, there's a spelling mistake right here".

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He's thinking of Iran's constitution.<blockquote>Article 4 is immutable and the Council of Guardians ensures that all articles of the Constitution as well other laws are based on Islamic criteria.</blockquote>

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George Burns

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