Aww, I'm sure pagans believe a lot of bullshit too. As long as you pal around w/ an invisible friend, he'll never argue w/ you.

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The real Jesus would change the ketchup into dijon mustard, also the anusburger into Chik-Fil-A. And put the "i" back in Bryan's name, mumbling "learn to spell, goddamnit".

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<i> I mean if jeebus was really up there, this fascist tool would wake up tomorrow with stage 4 testicular cancer, right?</i> At the very least, plus if jeebus was really up there, this lovely wonderful 22-year-old student would not have died of Hodgkin's lymphoma weeks after finishing her degree and my bitch ex sister-in-law would be dead instead.

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There is literally NOTHING right-wingers can't twist into an anti-big government argument.

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also: where DOES the muscular jesus picture come from?

muscular jesus scares me.

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Thanks. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. She was in the hospital, doing better, posting on Facebook about how various measures were improving, then someone else posted that she was in a medically induced coma and that was that. She was given her degree posthumously at graduation. There was a long pause after her name was announced while everyone tried desperately not to break down sobbing. Fuck you, God. Fuck you.

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And -- I might add -- the Bible supports polygamy. Also it does not prohibit sex with children, except your own. Also does not prohibit lesbianism, unless the woman dresses like a man (watch out Maddow!).

Anyway bureaucratic rules versus religious rules. We report, you decide.

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"They want people free to make choices that affect their own lives without the interference of the overreaching hand of government."

Like birth control? Right...I didn't think so.

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this is off topic but the first story on NPR in the prime 'ATC' slot is a tea party caucus member discussing the budget.

who wants them defunded again?

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