Jeebus wept

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I was thinking hangman's knots, but you know, w/ votes.

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Does this "involuntary transfer of wealth" work both ways?

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Math, how does it work? Seems to me that if they have 40% of the wealth, paying only 30% of the bills means they're under taxed- fucking slackers

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and Jesus went into the temple and drove out the money changers, so that they could see the ticker tape parade he arranged in their honor

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They are not Jesusers, they are Christers. This means that they mainly worship the words of St. Paul - the only one of the Evangelists who really knew what Jesus meant to say (but didn't), because unlike the other 4, he never actually knew Jesus or heard a word he said, so instead he made up whatever shit he wanted, which makes his version of things way more authentic.

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Not often enough, as Lisbeth Salander said, in my opinion.

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Where fracking has been going on, so that when they carry the fire to the water, the water catches on fire!! Hey, this is fun!

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Well, with all the talk about "what the founding fathers intended", they obviously don't read - <a href="https://www.au.org/church-s..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://www.au.org/church-state/october-2004-chur...">https://www.au.org/church-s...

But then they don't read the bible either...

Deuteronomy 15:7-11

Or the writings of the Mayflower era church in America.

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I would refer this douchebag to Mark 7:15: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

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<strike>“Now just wait a darn minute… have you thought this through? The rich pay for everything, so just you knock off your class warfare, Jesus.”</strike>

“Now just wait a darn minute… have you thought this through? The poor are the ones who <b>built</b> your skyscrapers and condos, so just you knock off your class warfare, Fischer.”

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<blockquote>...it’s good for the rich to voluntarily give up a little of their wealth...</blockquote> It's important for the Riches to give up a tiny portion of their wealth to get the local business school to put their name over the door and their idiot son in an MBA program so he won't piss away the family fortune on hookers'n'blow.

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Isn't preaching politics from the pulpit supposed to lead to the loss of your tax exemption?

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That was one of Phyllis Schlafly's brats.

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<i>1% of taxpayers pay almost 30% of federal tax revenue.</i>

Not a bad deal, given that they've got 50% of the money.

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