<i>"a liberal devil"</i>

"a liberal". -fixed

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Not so fast missy. The conservapedia says "Wikipedia is a politically left leaning communist online wiki-based encyclopedia...".

Anyway, conservapedia says Roosevelt's New Deal was fascist, so your theory of counter-reaction is wrong. Unless conservapedia is in The No Fact Zone™.

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I don't give shit about Bryan Fischer, Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson or any of these other so-called religion icons of hate and utter stupidity.

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20 lbs of Portland cement, for starters.

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OT, but everyone, go to Colbert and watch last night's show. His guest was Pete Seeger. It will make you happy. We live in a world where Brietbart is dead and Pete Seeger lives; someone must love us.

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Is a left-wing fascist anything like a right-wing communist?

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Bryan Fischer's brain is a few bricks shy of running on three cylinders with marbles rolling around loose at the lobotomy farm.

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