". . . but it it's true, we'd have to be outraged. So, we're outraged. And we're gonna stay outraged about how nobody's been able to prove that it's true. And we'll stay outraged until it is proven to be true. Ane when they do, guess what? Yep, we'll be outraged."

Talk about one-trick ponies...

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I think it's a binder, but yeah.

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Sex in the butt is as American as anal pie!

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So, on a technical point, why is Daring Do's cutie mark on her right thigh?

NOTE: my entire knowledge of MLP comes from Dok posts.

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Polygamy= a marriage with more than two partners. Polygyny= a marriage with one male and two or more females Polyandry= a marriage with one female and two or more males

You're welcome.

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Baden Powell?

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is that a corkscrew in your pocket or...?

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they have Boy Scouts in Kenya?

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he must have bought the Jerry Sandusky box set

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like all tents it requires a solid and sturdy tentpole

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'consensual multiple-partner commitments"

those were called hippie communes

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the assless khaki shorts are kind of a giveaway...

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"Please get help"

Yes, and please do it somewhere with no microphones. You need a lot of help, so make sure it's a long-duration program.

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I thought it was "Americans Fucking Ass".

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he's done stroked that one so furiously that it burst into flames and earned him a second merit badge...

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