"Crucifixion Party?"

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He also manages to ignore the spiritual traditions of the Natives living here.

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Unless you think state law trumps federal, which the constitution clearly says isn't the case, marijuana is still illegal everywhere in the United States. Recent comments on the subject by Cris Christie and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley show why it is important to legalize marijuana at the federal level, and not depend on a president or a justice department that will look the other way and choose not to enforce the controlled substances act in states that have legalized marijuana.

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Yeah, the power to decide what is or isn't a religious institution for tax purposes sounds to me like a violation of both the establishment and free exercise clauses of the first amendment. I think tax free status should only be given to charitable organizations that do tangible good in the communities they serve without regard to the religious beliefs of those they serve.

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Time to shove the ol' head firmly up the asshole and see what we can find!

That's where I keep my Obamaphone™.

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As a Saganist, I favor Before Carl, During Carl, and After Carl. Hail Sagan!

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Some if not all of them were aware of "Musselmen"...

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hahaha that's some funny stuff

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dont forget the Native Americans

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You think that's because he would be angry when he realized that the founding fathers were secularists, and many of them weren't particularly fond of Christianity?

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Fischer is a discount store, low end version of religious-political con-artist.

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Check the photos, they're drinking Miller Lite! Truly the work of Satan.

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And this is the problem with the US constitution. People will insist on the SPIRIT. Sorry. If your legal system relies on the spirit of the law, not purely on what is written, then it is a shit legal system. Bryan - either get an amendment to the law introduced, of stick to the law.

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Before Mr Fischer goes all constitutional and all, he needs to explain two things: first, why doesn't he know the difference between a cross and a crucifix? Second, why all the TruChristion (TM) prayers to Jesus in Jesus' name didn't destroy the statue?

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A Federal law is not gonna happen in a Reb dominated Congress. That means at least eight more years of batting the issue around with periodic enforcement efforts and lawsuits.

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Apparently Jesus found a way to holocaust Wonkette.

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