i wish i worked with you.

well, i wish i worked anywhere, but i really wish i worked with you.

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Agreed. We need a Parliamentary-Funkadelic form of democracy.

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Have you heard the latest word from Neptune?

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Also, the Democrats have a much broader coalition within themselves than the Republicans of today do. Basically, they have a whole wing of Blue Dogs who would BE Republicans, if the Republicans hadn't turned batshit insane some time ago.

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To be fair, they didn't have all those things for very long. Once Scott Brown got in, and the Senate became even more The Greatest Deliberative Body (For Legislation to Go and Die) than usual, it was all over. Nancy got tons of stuff through the House, and I'm sure Obama would have signed most/all of it, but the circuit between them was shorted out.

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Buck up kid, it gets better. I have been out of school for about 15 yrs and my loans are almost paid off. please smoke all the weed I passed up in college trying to be 'good' , for me. It's either that or join young repugs and start kissing ass

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But that would UNCOLLEGIAL, and we can't have that, can we?

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I wonder if Led Zeppelin will react to this news the way Heart reacted to the Cain/Pain campaign playing "Barracuda" whenever Paln stepped onto a stage. Also, does Ryan know that LZ once recorded a tune titled "Immigrant's Song"?

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A greenish shade of orange, that's what I'm guessing.

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And the say that we on Wonkette never talk about solutions!

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Good news everybody!

Just kidding.

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Perhaps this just speaks to low expectations, but I was reading about the budget deal thing, and thought... it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared. So, yay?

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