Merriam-Webster says the slang term for a face - puss- is spelled thusly. NBD, because it’s origin is an Irish word, spelled “pus”. We are both right.

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There is plenty wrong with the search engine algorithms, but one-directional bias is not a part of it.

My beef is that they have become too precise. 20 years ago google was different. As you went further down the results you got stranger and stranger results usually you started encountering completely unrelated subjects before you got to the 30th result. Nowadays you just find more of the same. This is one of the ways in which our perception bubbles are shrinking which reduces tolerance for deviants and weirdos. I liked finding the weird stuff! It taught me a lot.

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"Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McTurd! Think!"

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Its spelled 'pus' with only one s, but that's an easy mistake to make ;)

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The depth of his ability to say stupid things is bottomless. (English sub-titles) "Democrats will raid what we Republicans consider socialism to pay for socialism." (Outraged gasp from the crowd.)

Did I interpret that correctly? Did any of his rally attendees realize that was like using a double negative in in a sentence?....as in, "The latest tax cuts absolutely are not going to not favor the already very wealthy." WTF?

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No. And they believe that to be a positive thing. They hate all that book-learnin'

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Is he trying to fart?

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THANKXS. You just made me vomit.

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Did I say he was sundowning? DID I SAY HE WAS SUNDOWNING!!!!1!!

I SAID HE WAS SUNDOWNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!

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'The president is talking about a hypothetical Indiana rally that would have been held by "Crooked Hillary" if she'd won the election two years ago. He says this hypothetical rally would have had a small and bad crowd.'

Can drumpsterettes even spell WTF?

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I like the scenario you are describing. Let's be real, after all. If we think that come January 1, or whatever, the Dems occupy Congress, 2 weeks later Trump's nearly-impeached ass is hopping on a helicopter and wizzing off into the wind. No no no. I actually prefer two years of utter, bureaucratic hell.

When I think about the fact that the GOP basically got this guys sorry lard ass elected, and they think that they are going to use it as an opportunity to stack the supreme court in their favor, Oh hell no.

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Trump is Dudley Dursley come to life, only more needy.

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And cocaine. Check out that rat study...

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So the repugs want net neutrality?

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The face of a man who hasn't seen his "willy" in a very long time.

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If the Dems take the house it's gonna be a bunch of new committee chairs going "hold my beer". Maxine Waters(House Financial Services Committee - subpoenaing Trump's financial records and tax returns, John Lewis (ranking member on Way & Means). The will bring holy hell down on Trump. They would be his worst nightmare and that is just the House. If we get a bit lucky and take the Senate, Trump and most of his inner circle will be cleaning their undies and getting their affairs in order. It'll be a real possibility that it would be a long time before any of the see daylight again.

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