Which was actually a change - some of Bugs' early cartoons do show him being the instigator.

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A conservative with a sense of humour? No wonder he eventually joined the bright side.

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The nutjobs at Studio B know their genre well - if you watch ponies carefully they are FULL of animation jokes, harking back right to the early days.

And as for Sp... J.. it really only has one thing to be proud of:


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Yeah I run into one every couple of days. My cat is fascinated by them. (Don't worry -- she's been outwitting them for 9 years now.) They are the scrawniest mutts I have ever seen and are rather small. Coyotes are the punks of the wild canine world.

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This is why Republicans are so afeared of the ghey. They're terrified some comely lass they are making out with will suddenly take off her wig, become a talking rabbit, and get them to shoot themselves with their own gun

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A couple, even. But A Wild Hare was the first use of "What's up, doc?"

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Hell yeah. Mickey Mouse was just silly and saccharine to me as a kid. Bugs Bunny was a clever trickster wisecracker, no doubt based on guys the animators and writers grew up with in NY's Lower East Side. A bit of vaudevile, Bugs was street-smart, with a sardonic if not sarcastic sense of humor. As a Bronx kid, Bugs was a role model to me, and I love love love that my Dad got such a kick out of him too. So many high-art "Kill the Wabbit!" bits about opera, cameos from 1940s movies stars, WWII references that GIs would recognize.. it was educational too! Bugs was the best. Mickey was a chump.

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For me it's the smoothness of the hand drawn cartoon. After the seventies, basically anything WB did was never as good as hand drawn cartoons set to a full orchestra. Not computer aided drawings set to a casio keyboard.

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The movie had to make certain that Bugs/Mickey and Daffy/Donald got equal screen time down to the split second.

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Has to be typed.

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Back around '79, Bugs Bunny, Superstar came out. In the local weekly paper in Philly, there was an interesting review. The author noted the differences between Micky and Bugs: Mickey would put up with things far beyond reason, while Bugs didn't suffer fools gladly.

mark "Trump: ahhh, whatta maroon!"

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No, I will bring up Space Jam, because the painfully-contrived bit in which Bugs and Daffy have to go to our dimension to retrieve Michael Jordan's lucky banana warmer or whatever--and run into the kids of the vanity project's "star" in what is supposed to be a touching, heart-warming scene for some reason--caused my large intestine to boil-in-bag all the way up my throat. The decades-past sensation of hot bile spewing through my nostrils still gives me night terrors and I need to talk it out.

On another front, why can't Warners do right by the gang anymore? There was that overrendered CGI Road Runner cartoon ("Funny? Who needs 'funny' when you can see individual hairs in Wile E's fur!!"), that awful Looney Tunes Show that had Bugs and Daffy quietly arguing over their careers in front of beautifully-detailed backgrounds of their Beverly Hills apartment (man, those backgrounds were awesome!), and that genuinely unmentionable farce known as Loonatics Unleashed.

Is it because they can't be as violent as they used to be, that Warners constantly tries to "rebrand" their "properties" as something else? ("It's like Merrie Melodies...but it's also Friends! Lola will be Gwyneth Paltrow, only even more psychotic! We have this scene where she can't shut up about steam-cleaning her pet cla...huh? What? Really? Well, shit.")

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