Schools! I don't have a kid!Although my town does exempt you from school taxes once you are over 65. Our tax base is large and stable enough to help the oldz stay in their homes.
Ah, the "endless amount of time" the Republicans spent "trying to achieve a consensus." I don't know what language McConnell uses as his native tongue, but in English, the word "consensus" means you have all sides agreeing on something. If one side of a discussion bulldozes the other side without getting any input or indeed even inviting them to the table (or the smoke-filled back room), that's not really consensus.
I'd also like McConnell to explain just what involvement the president and vice president had on the Lunch Napkin Bill, since they couldn't have been any more involved, according to McConnell.
A friend of mine who is dealing with multiple health problems and who relies on the ACA visited today. She could not bring herself to watch the news, and she asked me how it went. I told her. She started crying with relief.
Goddammit. Even though we dodged that bullet they're putting us through a continuous form of hell, and enjoying it.
I don't know. McConnell in particular comes out like a big stinking loser here. He can't be happy with McCain's defection. And if they really wanted this to ultimately fail, I can't see the advantage in them having tried so hard to jam something through, as fast as possible, that was so blatantly awful. From a political standpoint, it would have been better for them to take their time and appear to be more deliberative and serious about what they were doing. Instead they tried to pull all this closed-door cloak-and-dagger crap, which looks even worse when they can't pull it off.
EDIT: Furthermore, I have to believe the only reason they are still supporting the squatter in the Oval Office is because they want to push through their agenda of ripping apart every social safety net we have. Without that, they have much less motivation to keep protecting his position. So I find it hard to buy the idea that they didn't actually want to succeed here.
Look, Fox people, just because you're healthy now doesn't mean you'll stay that way forever. And if you ever get sick (I hope you don't), you'll be happy to have health insurance. And sick people who get treatment may become the new healthy people paying for your healthcare. Why The Fuck Am I Even Bothering ? You're not reading me and you're the dumbest people of the universe anyway.
"This is Not America" has always been one of my favorites. Now when I hear it, it really gives me chills. Great movie as well (The Falcon and the Snowman).
Incognito didn't work.
Schools! I don't have a kid!Although my town does exempt you from school taxes once you are over 65. Our tax base is large and stable enough to help the oldz stay in their homes.
Ah, the "endless amount of time" the Republicans spent "trying to achieve a consensus." I don't know what language McConnell uses as his native tongue, but in English, the word "consensus" means you have all sides agreeing on something. If one side of a discussion bulldozes the other side without getting any input or indeed even inviting them to the table (or the smoke-filled back room), that's not really consensus.
I'd also like McConnell to explain just what involvement the president and vice president had on the Lunch Napkin Bill, since they couldn't have been any more involved, according to McConnell.
"This is truly a disappointment. Fuck my Republican colleagues, what am I gonna tell the Kochs?"
I will never forgive him for Merrick Garland.
A friend of mine who is dealing with multiple health problems and who relies on the ACA visited today. She could not bring herself to watch the news, and she asked me how it went. I told her. She started crying with relief.
Goddammit. Even though we dodged that bullet they're putting us through a continuous form of hell, and enjoying it.
Annotated reaction shots:
He means consensus among the only people who matter, Republicans. The Democrats aren't people, they're just obstacles as far as he's concerned.
What a piece of shit he is.
I don't know. McConnell in particular comes out like a big stinking loser here. He can't be happy with McCain's defection. And if they really wanted this to ultimately fail, I can't see the advantage in them having tried so hard to jam something through, as fast as possible, that was so blatantly awful. From a political standpoint, it would have been better for them to take their time and appear to be more deliberative and serious about what they were doing. Instead they tried to pull all this closed-door cloak-and-dagger crap, which looks even worse when they can't pull it off.
EDIT: Furthermore, I have to believe the only reason they are still supporting the squatter in the Oval Office is because they want to push through their agenda of ripping apart every social safety net we have. Without that, they have much less motivation to keep protecting his position. So I find it hard to buy the idea that they didn't actually want to succeed here.
Likewise Emmitt Smith (and I hate the f*ckin Cowboys.)
He can't eat "Little Debbies" on his own, unless Mother is there with him.
Look, Fox people, just because you're healthy now doesn't mean you'll stay that way forever. And if you ever get sick (I hope you don't), you'll be happy to have health insurance. And sick people who get treatment may become the new healthy people paying for your healthcare. Why The Fuck Am I Even Bothering ? You're not reading me and you're the dumbest people of the universe anyway.
And also much inverse symmetry with Ted Kennedy and death and the ACA
"This is Not America" has always been one of my favorites. Now when I hear it, it really gives me chills. Great movie as well (The Falcon and the Snowman).