Go Joe Go!!!

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It's that "up to ten years" part ...um... doesn't that mean ten years or less? I like "at least" a whole lot better.

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I believe that up to ten years is needed to prevent an extended budgetary review. There is some sort of review that allows you to pass things that puts some limits on the options to contest it.

I am sure someone here knows the deets; I just know it exists.

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It truly warms my heart to think of the spluttering rage Ammon Bundy must be feeling right now. Sure hope you don't stroke out over this, dude, hospitals are few and far between in your neck of the woods.

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Now if we can get the wolves re-listed under the ESA so assholes can face federal charges for running down a year old wolf with a snowmobile, hurting it so badly it couldn't fight back, then taping its mouth shut to parade it through the bar before brutally killing it...and would like a ban on any and all Old Growth logging (with exact wording so no loopholes), and really would be fantastic if the Dept of Ag could do better about our slaughterhouses, making them more humane, stop any and all roundups of horses on federal land (and shipping them for inhumane slaughter in Mexico and some to Canada as well), and banning the use of traps and cyanide bombs on all federal lands. I dream for a future that is humane. I am glad Biden took these steps and hope this stands up to all the legal attacks it will face soon.

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Researchers are now expanding the number of species they believe possess consciousness and sentience, down to insects.

Republican heads will assplode.

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That is fucking horrible!!

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This really is major good news. Thanks for helping to get the word out.

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I love it when maga heads explode.

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I was just speaking with a coworker about Death Valley. Did you know that forever the land was settled by the Timbisha Shoshone tribe? They made a hardscrabble life work for them and to our benefit, we get to visit this lovely part of our country still. Of course, as usual, the government came in and tried everything to make it more difficult for them but now they work with the tribe. Finally!!


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This is my old stomping grounds, actually. I worked in and round Death Valley for a long time. The Timbisha people were semi-nomadic. Furnace Creek is kinda warm in the summer, so they headed for the high country near where I live now. They own thousands of acres in the White Mountains on both sides of the CA/NV border. A site my agency used to own at Death Valley Junction was deeded to the tribe and they built a cannabis greenhouse and dispensary on it. Used to be a highway maintenance station.


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Question about this (and upcoming student loan forgiveness): Won't this run straight into the Congressional Review Act if -- Crom forbid! -- Republicans get a trifecta in November? (It is admittedly unlikely, but not nearly *as* unlikely as any of us would like.) With a trifecta, a simple fifty-percent-plus-one out of the House and Senate would send it to TFG, who would sign it, and then the normal administrative mechanisms can't be used for that again, changes would have to go through Congress.

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Sweetie if they get the trifecta we will be too busy trying to survive to notice.

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That's fair. 😳

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I will point out that groups like the outstanding Wildlands Conservancy have made huge inroads in protecting public lands by carefully "stitching together" BLM and private parcels to provide wildlife corridors and create more expansive wilderness areas, such as the newish and magnificent Sand to Snow National Monument. They masterfully rejected a plan for California's Tejon Ranch that had been endorsed by the Nature Conservancy and Sierra Club, and submitted an alternate proposal that was more precisely designed to concentrate development in a few small areas. It was in the end adopted, and significantly expended to the area to be protected.

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Needed this spot of hope today. Thank you.

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"Bureau of Livestock and Mining."

I've called it the Bureau of Lumber and Mining. 6 of one...

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Logging and Mining also works

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Rep. John Curtis is notoriously an idiot.

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Fuck yeah, about time. Changing the mission at the top level IS A BIG DEAL, and so is indigenous consultation and management. The private lease option better have some guardrails on it but this sounds way overdue for the BLM

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It's really hard to get a read on Republicans since they are such hypocrites. But this move will affect the most rural parts of America where so many right wingers live. You would think that they would appreciate a Democratic Party that is preserving their beautiful states instead of handing it over For exploitation and destruction. But a lot of these people seem A-OK with big oil taking a shit in their back yards.

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If this puts an end to the roundups of mustangs on BLM land and the removal of mares and stallions that are above the maximum age limit for removal as well as the separation of foals who are not yet weaned from their mothers, which has led to at the death of at least one of these foals, then I am all for it.

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[the scary lefty word “conservation,”]

Which shares the same root as "conservative".

Which is to ask the question, what is it exactly that "conservatives" are dedicated to "conserving" these days? Hmm?

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their phony baloney jobs? <hat tip to Groucho>

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