Actually, I thought you were talking about the Moranovirus. But, I see that you've already caught it off the Orange Menace super spreader.Ts&Ps

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I thought the huge pile of guns was supposed to prevent that.

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Punishing the entire human race for all eternity because someone ate an apple is perfectly reasonable, but being asked by their leaders to stay at home for a few weeks to protect themselves, their families, and their neighbors from a disease is satanical tyranny. Got it.

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The rise of the religious right is one of the main reasons I fled the US 25 years ago. They've become much, much worse since then.

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What's truly crazy about this (IMO) is that The New Testament was meant to supplant the Old Testament, no? So they have the sheer, unmitigated gall to call themselves Christians, but they don't follow any of Christ's teachings. Even if you don't recognize Christ as the Son of God, you can still appreciate him as a teacher/philosopher (as the other Abrahamic traditions do). Christ is very much like Buddha, also too.

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I think if martial law were really in place, there would be a whole bunch of bodies lying on the grounds of the capitol instead of standing up holding signs.

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Oh, so you're referring to all the activities of the Trump administration. Got it.

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They can't pray unless someone else is watching.

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And we don't have to join you. Why the fuck are you here? Because we are not going to join you. I'm guessing it's because you've been a moronic asshole who has enjoyed annoying other people all your life.

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It looks like that wall behind him has taken a few rounds.

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Fear, he explained, is not merely the "embodiment of Satan," but also the "tool of tyrants."Oh like a tyrant trying to incite fear of immigrants with hyperbole about The Caravan coming to assault your Nana?

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Ammon is not a name, any more than Cliven. Just sayin'.

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Sure. I mean, it's a choice is all--either/or, one or t'other, The thing is we get to decide and in my experience, I'm just as like to choose wrong as the other way. So yeah.

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Well, sweetie, we're doing what we can to vote Orange Foolius and his senatorial quislings and asslickers out of office in November. Putting the GOPers out of business should put a stop to the spread of fascism here.

You're welcome.

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Looks like spelling is tyrannical, too.

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These people are so fucking boring, Satan himself would probably just die from boredom if he had to hang out with them 🤮

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