And let the Native Americans go back to the Everglades, which they'll civilize.

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I heard he was dead!

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Limited intelligence produces a limited number of possible responses. The thugs on the right don't see nuances, they see nuisances.

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Have you got a 27B stroke 6?https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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"We refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram."http://www.lettersofnote.co...

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LOL. I'll have to use that shorthand sometime to see how it is received.

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I have been meaning to ask this question for quite some time now. Did teh Donald ever say WHERE he was going to drain the swamp. I mean, he didn't say he would evaporate it, so the drainage must go somewhere...right? Did he promise he wouldn't drain it into the White House? No. No he didn't! See? From HIS prospective, he kept yet another campaign promise! Like magic!

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Well, he did say that the swamp draining would happen BEFORE they made the government honest. And, as Jeff McDonald points out, they had to put the swamp drainage somewhere and they had these handy jobs open, so...

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I had a sex harassment case where one issue was guys making the client watch porn -- including beastiality -- at work. Apropos of nothing, the judge dropped a footnote quoting one guy's denial from his deposition testimony: "No, I wouldn't do that. I'm an animal lover."

I nearly peed on myself, I was laughing so hard. I hadn't caught the significance of the testimony until the judge snarked about it.

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Thanks, $5F.

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Your punishment fetish is ugly. Please hide it better.

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I can somewhat see your point regarding bureaucracy, though it can really hurt people too. I can't agree with government as a civilizing force though.

You can't have war without armies.You can't have armies without government.Without government war is by definition impossible.That does not mean life would be fun without government, but please keep in mind that things are never that black and white.

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You have a point, though I think it would depend on the character of the government. Bad government would produce bad civilization; good government would produce good civilization. Anyway, I still believe that good government produces far more good than bad.

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A fart would be a step up after meeting with Donald.

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Of course he pissed off another ally. The only country he hasnt pissed off is Russia so far.

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