Forests of trees destroyed, dozens of manuscripts by promising writers ignored, tankers of fossil fuels used to print and ship (and now remainder), and now internet traffic tied up just so vain failures can try to rewrite history in their own times.

Those who don't learn the lessons of history should be condemned to <b>eat</b> it!

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Recyclers will pay by the pound ... that's pretty much the only market for this garbage.

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JW: It would be perfect if the second half of the book was blank.

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Still too much. Now, if I had a fireplace and they were willing to pay me to take them away.

Nah...still not worth it.

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That's the 'oh fine just take it' shelf at the bookstore. Seriously. They often put them <i>outside</i> the entry door. You shoplift one of those and they most likely don't even send someone out to chase you down.

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Actually, in Lynn Vincent's case, Sarah Palin's book is <a href="http:\/\/gawker.com\/5371146\/sarah-palins-ghostwriter-pals-around-with-racists-and-wackos" target="_blank">a step up from her previous work</a>.

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No, don't! That's what got Levi in trouble.

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I weep for the trees that were sacrificed. Cut down in their prime, those trees could have gone on to save lives as medical textbooks. Or sparked a spirit of kindness as a bible or inspirational novel. Maybe they could have given a budding entrepreneur the tools to become a job creator as a business guide. Instead those trees have become a generation lost to the shallow thinking of America's least rigorous minds. I weep for them.

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We might be looking at a cost effective way to heat your house this next winter.

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