He might have been a good president, had he not listened to Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Gonzalez, Wolfowitz, Brown, Ashcroft, Norton, Ridge, Card, or Bolton.

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"Wouldn't it be a shame to go to grave never having had a better beer than Lone Star? "

Oh the horror of your words.

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Somehow I pictured an anvil or a piano but a coconut will do. But wouldn't it be great if it turned out to be a crate of pretzels?

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Correction: HALF of the Supreme Court.

Sandra Day O'Connor, you Schwing Vote you, may you die a million anguished deaths, alone and frightened. It's your fault.

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Can we add Texas contagion to the list? Until he nested in the Lone Star state, he was just a dumbshit lazy preppy from Yale with substance abuse habits and daddy issues. Texas turned him into an embodiment of reptilian thuggish malevolence.

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Quit boozing AND have a father who was President as well.

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nope can't do it.

bless you for watching.

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thanks george.

because of your legacy i CAN'T quit drinking.

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that was pretty breath-taking.

and frightening considering our political end-times.

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Add to that: both former governors of large states, undistinguished students, parents of dissolute children, fitness enthusiasts, and aw-shucks terminal-g droppers.

The missing puzzle piece is Sarah's unreported substance abuse problem.

I'm gonna say Oxycontin. Definitely Oxycontin. And now that it's on the internet, it's got to be true. I read somewhere that Mrs. Johnston was her supplier, and that's what brought Levi and Bristol together. Oxycontin. With a lot of Metamucil to counteract the constipation.

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