I know her name, but if I'd just put "Candace" people would've been all "are you talking about Phineas and Ferb's sister?"

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Yes, he did that.

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Zombies are always in vogue.

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Thank you, that was great. I can't remember all that horrible shit at once, even though I know it all happened. It seems to have in some way eroded my cognitive faculties.

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What's most apparent here is the obsession churning within the people who are determined to find something awful here. What is the scene from Hamlet? (Poorly remembered) "Hey, doesn't that cloud look like a hamster?" "Why, yes, I believe it does!" "No, wait a minute, it looks more like a giraffe-" "Why yes, now that you mention it, it does look more like a giraffe!". Etc.

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Irish cartoons of about 100-150 years ago portray them as looking like pre Cro-Magnon humanoids: <a href="http:\/\/chnm.gmu.edu\/exploring\/images\/florance.jpg" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://chnm.gmu.edu/exploring/images/florance.jpg">http://chnm.gmu.edu/explori... <a href="http:\/\/www.latinamericanstudies.org\/ellis-island\/cartoon-2.jpg" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/ellis-island/...">http://www.latinamericanstu...

As I'm Irish on my mother's side of the family I can state the prejudices involved with the stereotypes have a basis in fact.

Also: <a href="http://mig82.ucc.ie/stereot..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://mig82.ucc.ie/stereotypes/images/douglas20....">http://mig82.ucc.ie/stereot... Also.

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These conservative "journalists" suck more at busting people than Phineas and Ferb's sister.

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History's greatest monster!

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You mean there's something Mitt has <u>not</u> flip-flopped on?

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There's no stop on the wingnut crazy dial ... they'll keep right on winding it 'till they blow a fuse or burst into flames.

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I'm sure Michelle Obama's hatred for America began before Harvard Law. Probably from going to Communist Martyrs Preschool.

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♫ ...you can lose your mind ♫...when douchebags, are two of a kind!

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Ha! I got that, Patsy Duke show, mid '60s, right? See, I'm old but I can still uh, I can still... damn, where was I going with that?

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Why needlessly defame enemas? I propose 'colostomy bag'.

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