I think it started with Laibach and Front 242 and worked backward. And all those HAIRCUTS (not like those stupid hippies and ridiculous, girly rock stars) blah blah blah.

And if you object that hippies really are stupid and rockstars really are ridiculous, I'll just point out how you're validating their position.

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Why do people still listen to Bolt? I'd answer, "God knows," but maybe even God is baffled by that one.

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Riiiiight. So you can fuck other men as long as you unquestioningly kill whoever I tell you to kill. I'll pretend not to object or even notice. But if you're fay and think slaughtering Jews, Gypsies and Slavs is nasty, it's you for a death camp, got it?

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Aww, I was hoping for a picture of Generallisimo Franco!

He's still dead, too.

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The SA, on the other hand...

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This is my unsurprised face :l

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I wish he called himself Mr Sparkle :(

Then he could use the mononym 'Fishbulb!'

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Well that's good. I prefer my webinars to be free of leaky guts.


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Milo's peeps!

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Nah, they weren't into twinks. Bears, bears, bears!

Big manly streetfighters. Burly. Former frontschwein.

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I'm not in favor trading a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition for some anonymous hack...Maybe Dok needs a researcher or two, though. And a podcast.

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I was happier after reading that, and before reading that Democratic pollster link at the bottom: "Trump is on track to be re-elected on 2020."


Apparently because both parties are fragmenting and Trump has kept his base.

I think it's a tad early to make predictions about 2020 before 2018. I am wondering if enough people will vote and if there will be enough places to vote.

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Yes. THIS. I think Western civilization used to be a thing that could make a savior like a George Marshall. An Eleanor Roosevelt...an Abraham Lincoln. A George V. There are so many more.

I think it still does, but the noise machine keeps getting louder, and progressive humanists are not people who tend the noise machine.

So, where do we find them? And how do we encourage them?

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Penthouse magazine? Seriously, that thing still exists?

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