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Alaska is apparently much warmer than the Midwest this week.

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Speaking for the midwest, I can say I believe that is quite possible. It is fucking freezing here.

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Also too here in MA.

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Alan (I misspelled it Anal at first) Dershowitz was once a solid if extreme constitutional law prof and attorney. He’s gone off the edge a bit. I think he needs to get out of the ivory tower

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What is that? An organism mating call in Russian ;)

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Subtle. I like it.

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Out of 5, I presume.

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I've always been amazed that these people think they're "genetically superior" to anyone.

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The cancer treatment fried your brain if you think Obama was a gay Muslim born in Kenya. I mean, that gay Muslim exemplified more Christian values in his private life than Trump has. O was a faithfully married to one woman, devoted to his children, regularly attended church and told a remarkably low level of whoppers for a politician.

Trump is a serial cheater, married three times, and treats one of his kids like she’s trash (poor Tiff), never attended church, and if his lips are moving, he is lying.

Maybe you need to read the Bible more “Christian.” There is a lot more in there than “hate gays.”

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Grand Jury not made up of white billionaire men!!!! Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

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Pfffft. Why would anyone from the Trump camp care who was on a grand jury. After all. Trump has reminded us that there is no collusion with Russia. In fact he doesn't even know what a Russia is. He's never met a Russian, and ....cuz CROOKED HILLARY!. Thank you for your time.....bigly

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You're being charitable.

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Yes but it is supposed to be made up of peers. You try to find a dozen orange faced, serial liars with a dead gopher on their head. Good luck with that

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