She signed a contract that said "No Judgment". If she didn't understand what that meant, she should have asked. Ignorance of the content of a signed contract is no defense.

She returned to PF from March 2 to March 4 to approach female patrons and tell them about the transgender thing. The patrons complained to staff; her membership was revoked. If she felt so threatened and emotionally WHATEVER by what happened to her in the locker room and PF, she wouldn't have returned. She did. Numerous times.

Once more: the locker rooms have bathroom stalls with doors and changing rooms with doors. This woman never had to disrobe outside.

I'm as anti-icky, secret-men-looking-at-me as the next woman. But this is not the case here.

This is merely a case of a transphobe hooking up with a transphobe law firm wannabe political figure someday, and making a penis into a molehill.

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Hah! Run with that one. I love it. It can be a lawsuit outgrowth of hers.

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The gym is located in Midland, MI, home of Dow Chemical. I've been there a few times for Michigan History Day competitions. It is a small town and looks and feels remarkably Republican. I'm surprised Planet Fitness would have a location there. The town has more of a Curves vibe.

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Then, why didn't she come dressed for the gym from home? She could have carried her id and some cash in her pocket and just put her street shoes and coat in a locker that was outside of the changing rooms and voila, no need to walk into the changing room. I think her problem is that she wants everything to be HER way.

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I was thinking the same thing.

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She's staring at everyone's genitalia and she's the one suing for being made to feel uncomfortable?

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And here I thought it was a certain quantity of beer or ale.

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Princess Coo-Coo was the coo-coo-coolest! << Rabies!!! >>

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Oh My God! You look totally hot!

Said no one to Yvette Cormier at Planet Fitness, ever.


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What happened to that tort reform that I kept hearing about every time I turned on the Sunday morning talk shows?

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"As I stated before, in another post, I have a feeling this woman was a plant by the crazy-lunatic law firm who instigated this suit. This incident happened on or about March1-4, three weeks ago. The plaintiff had been a member of the gym for only a month. Lawsuits such as ones claiming mental and emotional distress take a few months to file as the victim has to be mentally evaluated by professionals. In this case, it was three weeks at best. Something is very fishy here."

That is an excellent point, and thank you for bringing it up. I hope PF's lawyers note the timing as well.

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Ah, I see no one took the time to research the fact that this pervert is a fetishistic cross dresser, NOT TRANS.

Read: PERVERT. Why don't you woefully bedicked crybullies keep your 2 inchers out of ACTUAL womens' spaces? Males. You are males.

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Hey Dok, dig this transphobe trying to troll on a 3 year old post :D

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Lmao, aw, call in another scary (and undoubtedly obvious) trap. ;) It's cute.

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Not a transphobe, and this pervert was not trans. But that's not something the failed males want to acknowledge.

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