Huh, nice time. Me like.

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Yeah but, is it GIPSI, or PIIGS?

Forgive me, I drink when I read.

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Buncha drama queens....

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And British soldiers in Belize.

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don't ask don't tell -

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The continuing effort to demonstrate their strong anti-gay(outside of the adult bookstore booths) bona fides

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I am pretty most of those who voted for this move would swallow that, so to speak.

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Oh man whenever I see something like this all I can think is they came out of the closet long enough to show everyone how they are not gay.

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Really here is something to be offended over, flying to Arizona to bang a horse.


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And Sarah Palin & Dakota Meyer & Baggers. They think it makes them look patriotic.

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Speaking of bigoted Christian-types, an update on the Duggars:

Apparently Josh Duggar is going to be sued in a civil lawsuit by the one non-family girl he diddled with, and the family may have to answer any question asked of them without being able to invoke the 5th Amendment, because, guess what!? The Statute of Limitations has run out on that too!


Or maybe this is old news since this article is from 2 weeks ago. But no new show for Jill Duggar Dillon, it seems. She and her husband and baby have done a bunk and run off overseas for a "long-term Christian Mission."


It's kind of a crack-up, checking up on them. All the recent 'news' seems to be on Christian websites, painting really pretty pictures of fluffy things, like overdue babies. *cack*

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IMF's closer to the austerity side than the World Bank, in terms of their basic mission. There's an added problem here though...the IMF lends to member countries, but Euro-using countries don't (by design) control their own currency.

Odd thing...skepticism towards the Euro is a rightist phenomenon in Europe, a left-ish phenomenon in the US. US right-wingers like the Euro, typically, because they see it as an ersatz gold standard. In Europe the Euro is tied to the overall EU project - that tie, at this point, strikes me as a mistake.

Edit: Here's the link to the original Reuters reporting on the IMF report.

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These commissioners are all Sarah Palin's. Thank god we've discovered she wasn't only a microcosm of Alaska.

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I tried to word that neutrally, in part because I don't think anyone's coming out of this looking particularly good.

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Well, strangely...I think Shauble's "temporary grexit" wasn't a bad idea, and he's the villain. "Temporary", to allow the EU to ignore treaty issues and allow Greece to remain part of the EU. "Grexit"...because without debt relief Greece can't make it (as those links clearly show), and really, debt relief would make more sense in the form of a (Euro-treaty-forbidden) haircut so they can move on, as opposed to extending the debt term into multiple generations. In the "keep Greece in the Euro" terms, Merkel was more of a "moderate" (which left me wondering whether her and Shauble were with the same government!).

Yes, Goldman helped Greece hide debt so it could join the Euro. At the request of Greece! And, unlike mortgages where consumer protections make lots of sense, I think we have to assume that sovereigns are "sophisticated investors". So Greece gets the blame too, at least in my view. But...I remember at the time thinking "Greece in the Euro" was utterly absurd, and I'm not an economist. The other EU members had to know something was wrong. So they, too, have to share blame.

And notice that one of the demands upon Greece is to grant political independence to its financial statistics folks. You'd think Greece would simply do that anyway without a demand.

The real tragedy is the continued collapse in their economy. The banks are still closed. When FDR declared a "bank holiday" there was a plan as to how they'd be re-opened. Not so, here. This is really horrible.

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A respectful and informative actual discussion, whoa...I remember back when I thought I'd see this online everywhere. But it's mostly vitriol. Thanks for the good read, guys. :)

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