Don't blink.

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OT, but Janet Yellen took a nice little swing at the Republicans when she announce the Fed rate hike -- and casually mentioned that it was the first one since W was in office and created the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Well done, madam.

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Forgive me for nerditing:

1. Neal Stephenson (I didn't realize that he had done a pen name, because reissues were under his name)

2. Snow Crash for sheer enjoyment (remembering that it was published in 1992).

3. I confess to being very fond of Anathem. In addition to a decent story, you get a capsule survey of Western philosophy since Plato. I would probably have been happy in a concent.

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You never want to do nitrous by yourself.

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They have nurses to tell them where to cut.

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I'm having Seasonal It's Fucking Cold Disorder.

(Admittedly, I mean it's below freezing at night, and in the 40s in the daytime, but this is fucking California. We're not really prepared for this.)

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Ben is the black Buddha. Generations later we will truly understand what he said. The Benianism as the new religion will be called would build huge pyramids and store wheat in them.

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I like the cut of your jib.

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How the HELL does it get all its paws up in there?

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And was guided by god's voice.

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But each huge pyramid will hold like a coffin-full of grain. That's how they end up starving to death.

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Clonus, one of your subjects got lose again.

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ZOMG! Are you saying that Ben is a one-man sleeper cell?!!1

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So THAT'S where the inspiration came from for Popples.

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or for the role of Vic Hitler in a Hill Street Blues reboot.

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'e's just pining for the fjords...

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