I almost downvoted you, just for the thought. Instead, I'm going with this:🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢

(Note: may not be enough puke emojis.)

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The #1 response. Survey says.

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It really burned my ass to pay for a wedding that I could NOT attend.

Say what now?! Non-Mormons are not allowed to attend Mormon wedding ceremonies, even as guests/witnesses? 🤯

That's all kind of fucked up! 🤬

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WHat if you are just friends? Or hand-holding curious?

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It's been my experience that American Catholics fall into one of two broad categories:

Some Catholics recognize that we are all fallible humans, and that we should try to make things better for each other. They support a strong social safety, personal autonomy, and peaceful coexistence with non-Catholics. (I was raised Hindu (but have been agnostic for decades), but many members of my extended family fall under this umbrella. 😇)

Some other Catholics also recognize that we're all fallible humans... so we shouldn't bother trying to help anyone else, because they'll just fuck things up anyway. See Opus Dei.

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Me too!

I didn't go to school with any of those characters, but I recognized almost all of them.

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Plastic surgery, too, I believe.

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Friend of mine at Institute had to report to the bishop weekly to confess if he had done any gay stuff that week. Through our friendship I figured out pretty quickly this isn't something he chose, and I was taught that sin was a choice. So I noped out of the Church in my junior year, for this and several other reasons.

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They let them be baptized, attend regular church and pay tithing, of course. It's just the men of African descent, (other browns: a-ok) they weren't allowed to hold the priesthood or go to the temple for the extra-special stuff that gets you into the top tier of heaven. They had great success in South American missions, though. They were so successful in mixed-race Brazil that that was kind of the turning point. They started having gnarly questions about how much black blood constituted black enough to deny the priesthood, and so many members that didn't have enough priesthood leaders to lead the burgeoning wards, that they had to give up and let African-descendents have equal access. Victims of their own success.

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I'm an atheist who was raised semi-Catholic and my favorite get over it phrase is "Give it up to God." It's just so useful.

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Courtesy of Book of Mormon:"Imagine that your brain is made of tiny boxes,and find the box thats gay and CRUSH IT!Ok?"

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There ya go.

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