Get that dirty sumnabitch!

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Larry Elder is a basehead, it's the only thing he actually picked up in South Central ... if you don't believe it take another look at the photo at the top ...

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We’ll see how much these people care about FREEDOM when their job is on the line.

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I wish sportsball worked like the big lie. My team would always win.

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HR doesn't want to be bothered with actually reading resumes. Too much work.

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You did an important thing! You deserve applause! Thank you!

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Thank you. Now keep doing it, please. For the rest of your life.

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Since they are all saying that the system is rigged, then all their supporters simply shouldn't vote, because why would their votes even matter in a rigged system?

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Logical fallacy.

You're crediting them with logic.

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Ain't just HR. Management is full of narcissists and B players hiring C players so that A players take the game elsewhere and don't threaten them.

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To say nothing of recent imports from offshore. Can't speak English clearly enough to be understood, don't know the jobs either, and import their contempt of workers as well; answer the phone and you're a slave. Ask a question, they can't answer. I've been told to "fix" my resume by lying on it. And the worst don't take no for an answer and phone-bomb. Need a unicorn? They'll invent one.

Even worse things happen at tax season...

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"Lives," probably. ;-)

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That's how Trump did in the GNoP chances in Georgia.

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That's the plan. I haven't missed a single election since the 2004 presidential elections. I was going through my "Libertarian" phase, so I voted Lib party.

I didn't become a "liberal" until about four years later when I joined the Penny Arcade forums and asked one of their economists about why the gold standard was bad. One thing led to another and I was convinced to vote for Obama. It's all been downhill from there.

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Things must be going well for Larry to be claiming voter fraud five days before the Recall is over.

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