Newsom is a mixed bag, but a generally positive one. I was disappointed in the casre discrimination vote, that shit has no business here, culturally OR economically. I'm not trading wealth based discrimination for culture based .

I admit, the Ebony Alert system threw me, I was wondering why Amber Alert wasn't sufficient, and read it's like ... Oh yeah that tracks.

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As a Californian that works on public policy, I've generally been pretty happy with Newsom's tenure. He's done a lot of good, progressive work and stood up for our values for the most part. The slick-politician vibe is a little off-putting, but c'est la vie.

He's really been pissing me off since it was obvious he was running for POTUS someday. For instance and I know it's not the most important bill, but allowing Amsterdam-style cafes is a no brainer that I'm sure he would have signed a couple of years ago. It's obvious that now he cares more about how things play nationally, which is not what we elected him twice as Governor to do. We elected him to represent Californians.

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Ensuring it is illegal to buy food at cannabis dispensaries is just consumer protection.

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You know it would be junk food. Donuts. Chips.

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Consume mass quantities!

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

Alienating the support of people who'd actually vote for you in order to chase the votes of bigots and assholes who would never ever ever in a gajillion years ever vote for a *gasp!* California Democrat *pearlclutchfaint* is a helluva way to run a presidential campaign...

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I genuinely don't understand what he's thinking here. Back when he was mayor of San Francisco and married gay couples at City Hall, he pretty much locked himself in as a radical liberal from California in the minds of most of the country. He can tack center all he likes, and he's still going to be that guy.

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And he's just going to piss off California liberals like me who voted for him.

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I'm cool the cannabis cafe veto. But free condoms though? That was a a head-scratcher.

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Right? If I had to think of one action that would reduce teen pregnancy, reduce STDs, reduce the necessity for abortions (that should please the right wing!) and generally make the sex that teens are having anyway less likely to have life changing terrible outcomes, it would be free condoms in high schools.

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vetoes and political wonkery aside............. never forget this is a man that willingly and often sexed with one Ms. Kimberly Gargoylefoyle

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We all have bad taste sometimes.

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Actual governing, instead of picking random fights with major businesses and dunking on minorities? It would never catch on in Florida. Or Texas.

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Thanks for mentioning the not good things Newsom has done/not done. My least favorite thing he did do was veto allowing striking workers to get unemployment insurance. So, yeah, definitely running for POTUS at some point. I've lived in SF for 20+ years, so he was my mayor and is now my governor and so I am very well aware of his ambitions which leads to much of the things he does that I hate.

He would, of course, be a 10000000000 times better than any Republican.

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As a longtime SF resident too, I couldn't agree with this more.

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Needs moar zeros.

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Any number multiplied against a big fat zero is still zero.

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Yeah, Gov Newsom isn't giving the libs everything they want. But he's giving them enough.

Like any respectable leader, he knows that he is the governor for *everyone*, not just those in his own party.

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I think that is a fair take, which is what any one who wants to be POTUS usually has to do. That person will inevitably piss some of his own supporters off. Trump seems to be a notable outlier in that nothing he does, good or bad or criminal or fraudy or batshit fuck bonkers, effects his support from his core of supporters. Nothing like that perpetual get out of jail card of support exists for any other politician of either party that I can think of. It certainly doesn't apply to any Democrat.

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I wasn't paying as close attention back then but I seem to recall saint Reagan having a similar untouchable cult leader status to the right. Good times for punk (the shitty the government the better the punk era)

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Ebony Alert is also what happens before the USS Discovery engages the spore drive.

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"Newsom signed the Feather Alert bill..."

Feather Alert?! That's the name you come up with?!


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Next up, Dot...

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... uh, yeah. For about a millisecond.

Plus, that'd be more appropriate for missing commies.

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It sounds like Newsom doesn't have a clue about Diabetes. One company making insulin for $30 is all well and good, but not every insulin works for every Diabetic. I'm on Fiasp and Toujeo now, they work for me. I was put onto this combo after my previous insulin started to become less effective.

I also know of people who are still on bovine insulin as the more modern insulin do not work for them.

All insulin needs to be affordable.

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I am angry.

Extremely, unproductively, boiling with rage. The reason are several, and some are meaningful and others will pass with sleep and the morning. Some are about serious things- a colleague who is Israeli came to a meeting today and broke the dam she had been trying to maintain in relation to other colleagues showing no concern at all about her family caught in... THAT. Others are lesser, like said colleagues immediately responding to excuse themselves, and turn her obvious and raw pain to their own decency, their own valid reasons for not giving a shit. And others are much, much pettier, like being patronised and demeaned by a person I have helped repeatedly when she has freaked out over minor and easily solvable bullshit.

There are, as I say, several reasons for this anger.

But I have just found that my streaming service allows me to record Sesame Street.


So tomorrow, when I wake up at ungodly o'clock, I can watch Sesamstraat and eat cereal.

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I am sorry for your pain because below that anger is raw pain. The pain of realizing the truth of those around you, the pain of the horrors that are happening knowing you can't do anything to change that, the pain of fully coming to terms with all of humanity or inhumanity. I feel it with you.

Those who are capable of empathy are having trouble processing this and we live across the pond and a few deserts. Then to watch others cheer and jeer is too much for the sane any all levels.

I'm sorry for us all and want the pain to stop in all its forms.

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Thank you. I just went to the pub for a couple of pints with a mate.

Today has been fucking weird. Some of it has been wonderful- it's still summer heat here, and walking through Rome is gorgeous, classes have been lovely, and the food, obviously.

But then there's also been several teachers in tears, and the aforementioned Israeli who clearly could not take it. She had obviously rehearsed what she was going to say, to be Sidney Poitier railing in righteous anger, and then... she just broke.

And all the fuckers could do was offer excuses about themselves- including the immortal "Well, I don't watch the news!"

For actual fuck's sake.

I am planning a piss up on Saturday. Purple fucking trousers and litres of grappa. I think everyone needs it.

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Good luck, I’ve reported the same. Was told his use OK.

Kind of sickening.

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I used to engage in comments, but dropped my original avatar and quit. I’ll just lurk comment very, very occasionally. I stay for the excellent journalism. “VIP” stuff reminds me of middle school - - PASS.

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The supposed open thread appears to have comments disabled.

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Some people were being assholes and Rebecca made the right call.

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Open thread's not for another 20 minutes.

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I think Dok declared OT early.

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Can Dok do that? Who does he think he is? Some Fifth Circuit judge?

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rebecca is annoyed

we need to stop being fuckheads

easiest way: understand that your personal views on the current situation re: hamas/gaza/israel are ignorant you should shut the fuck up. which is the approach I'm taking. apart from giving props to our friend werewolf.

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Stop using the c-word in any way.

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He has a pass 🤷‍♂️, no use reporting.

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I get that, but open thread without comments...?

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Checked again. I take it back.

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Rebecca is teaching us the fine art of STFUing.

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I still think it was a glitch.

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On the WH press briefing one, right?

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Nancy Mace thread.

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So, were any of Newsom's vetoes overridden by the legislature?

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