Gurl, I'm sorry this has clearly touched a nerve, but I'm sick of the endlessly-deferred promises to safeguard basic human rights; it's an endless string of excuses about why no majority is ever enough (conveniently rehearsed in your comments). I have no illusions about who my enemies are, but if we never get better "friends" than the spineless jellyfish currently determining the direction of the Democratic party, we're fucked.
There are two parties.One promises to destroy human rights and does so. They will destroy democracy. They will kill people.The other is limited in its ability to meet its goals because of commitment to rule of law, and because voters mostly suck.
Pissing all over Dems four months before the election is supporting White Christian Nationalists. Suck it up until December if you a remotely decent person. Then raise hell and there will be someone to listen.
I don't know where you are, but my bodily autonomy is ok. I knew enough to NOT get knocked up when younger. People have problems with this, true, but you are WAY over stating the case.
And yet here I am, after supporting exclusively Democrats for the entirety of my voting life, with fewer rights to bodily autonomy than my mother's generation; with literally fewer rights to the same than *a fucking cadaver.* Sure would be nice to know when Democrats are going to make good on their end of this bargain they've been dragging out since 1973.
UUF. You just showed your entire ass with that one. So this is just a problem for teenaged sluts, in your mind? I can't understate how delusional it is to believe that your rights are intact just because you've aged out of your reproductive years, or because you live in a "blue" state (which will not matter in the slightest if Republicans retake the federal government, by means fair or fowl, because a nationwide ban on abortion is next.) Any country that does not recognize your right to decide when and if you reproduce is not going to respect any others you may think you possess.
Why does this sound familiar? Oh yeah: *because it's the exact same fucking thing we were all told in 2020.* When does the "listening" part start, exactly? Or is this promise just to be endlessly broken because the people who elected Democrats "suck" so bad? Like the Black and Brown women who do the bulk of the organizing for Democratic candidates, *especially* in states where gerrymandering and political violence make it difficult and dangerous to do so? The same ones whose interests are sold out every election cycle? The same ones who are and were already disproportionately dying because of the forced-birth policies in place for decades? This is not some future hypothetical: all of this is happening *now*. And none of it will change if the plan is to refuse to hold the people *currently* in charge of the country accountable. The Democrats we have elected to govern need to fucking well govern.
No, it's a real problem with fetuses have severe defects that don't show up in the first trimester. I live in Texas, generally NOT considered "blue" by any standards. Do not fucking presume to tell me anything about my rights.
So is your bodily autonomy, in your own words, "ok," or isn't it? You got downgraded to livestock just like the other 167.5 million of us in this country. And there's no reason to believe that it will end there.
Newsom's the second governor with a pretty-boy-light-weight reputation that I've had to admit being wrong about, in addition to KY's Andy Beshear. And I am thrilled to be dead wrong in both cases.
Maybe the depredations of the Pumpkin Traitor and all he has enabled has strengthened and inspired Democrats? Finally?
Are you actually reading any of this? I've repeated this so many times now in this thread it *does* hurt: I have voted for Democrats for my entire adult life. I began with the statement that I am not withholding my vote because that will do no good (especially in Georgia, where the stakes are real and high and we have actually good candidates on the ballot). But the Democrats in power need to be held accountable *now* for the fact that they are objectively sucking at their jobs and failing to mount even mild resistance to white nationalist minority rule that is growing every day. Even if you pretend for a minute that electing more Democrats is simply for the sake of electing more Democrats, it would behoove them to run on something more compelling than "Vote for us or bad things will happen to you" when millions of people are already reeling from the violence the state is actively perpetuating against them, now.
Gurl, I'm sorry this has clearly touched a nerve, but I'm sick of the endlessly-deferred promises to safeguard basic human rights; it's an endless string of excuses about why no majority is ever enough (conveniently rehearsed in your comments). I have no illusions about who my enemies are, but if we never get better "friends" than the spineless jellyfish currently determining the direction of the Democratic party, we're fucked.
There are two parties.One promises to destroy human rights and does so. They will destroy democracy. They will kill people.The other is limited in its ability to meet its goals because of commitment to rule of law, and because voters mostly suck.
Pissing all over Dems four months before the election is supporting White Christian Nationalists. Suck it up until December if you a remotely decent person. Then raise hell and there will be someone to listen.
You sound madder than me.
I don't know where you are, but my bodily autonomy is ok. I knew enough to NOT get knocked up when younger. People have problems with this, true, but you are WAY over stating the case.
All you have to do to safeguard that human right is oppose Republicans by supporting Dems.So fucking do it.
And yet here I am, after supporting exclusively Democrats for the entirety of my voting life, with fewer rights to bodily autonomy than my mother's generation; with literally fewer rights to the same than *a fucking cadaver.* Sure would be nice to know when Democrats are going to make good on their end of this bargain they've been dragging out since 1973.
UUF. You just showed your entire ass with that one. So this is just a problem for teenaged sluts, in your mind? I can't understate how delusional it is to believe that your rights are intact just because you've aged out of your reproductive years, or because you live in a "blue" state (which will not matter in the slightest if Republicans retake the federal government, by means fair or fowl, because a nationwide ban on abortion is next.) Any country that does not recognize your right to decide when and if you reproduce is not going to respect any others you may think you possess.
Why does this sound familiar? Oh yeah: *because it's the exact same fucking thing we were all told in 2020.* When does the "listening" part start, exactly? Or is this promise just to be endlessly broken because the people who elected Democrats "suck" so bad? Like the Black and Brown women who do the bulk of the organizing for Democratic candidates, *especially* in states where gerrymandering and political violence make it difficult and dangerous to do so? The same ones whose interests are sold out every election cycle? The same ones who are and were already disproportionately dying because of the forced-birth policies in place for decades? This is not some future hypothetical: all of this is happening *now*. And none of it will change if the plan is to refuse to hold the people *currently* in charge of the country accountable. The Democrats we have elected to govern need to fucking well govern.
No, it's a real problem with fetuses have severe defects that don't show up in the first trimester. I live in Texas, generally NOT considered "blue" by any standards. Do not fucking presume to tell me anything about my rights.
So is your bodily autonomy, in your own words, "ok," or isn't it? You got downgraded to livestock just like the other 167.5 million of us in this country. And there's no reason to believe that it will end there.
Yeah and in 2016.
You are a citizen in a democracy. You have to keep working. That is how it is.
The white nationalists do not have trouble voting every damn time. The Nazis will show up and vote. I will show up to vote against them.
So you decide to support white nationalism?The stupid you are spewing should actually hurt.
Keep on whining.
Newsom's the second governor with a pretty-boy-light-weight reputation that I've had to admit being wrong about, in addition to KY's Andy Beshear. And I am thrilled to be dead wrong in both cases.
Maybe the depredations of the Pumpkin Traitor and all he has enabled has strengthened and inspired Democrats? Finally?
Stop making me cry!
Are you actually reading any of this? I've repeated this so many times now in this thread it *does* hurt: I have voted for Democrats for my entire adult life. I began with the statement that I am not withholding my vote because that will do no good (especially in Georgia, where the stakes are real and high and we have actually good candidates on the ballot). But the Democrats in power need to be held accountable *now* for the fact that they are objectively sucking at their jobs and failing to mount even mild resistance to white nationalist minority rule that is growing every day. Even if you pretend for a minute that electing more Democrats is simply for the sake of electing more Democrats, it would behoove them to run on something more compelling than "Vote for us or bad things will happen to you" when millions of people are already reeling from the violence the state is actively perpetuating against them, now.