I've been encountering some pretty unpleasant transphobia among my liberal, queer friends too. And also some exceedingly nasty transphobia from "feminist" straight women who feel criticizing another woman's clothing choices and body are acceptable when the woman is trans. I'm getting pretty fucking fed up with the whole thing.

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Perfect. Thanks.

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Too bad you don't care about her political leanings or give a shit about where she got her courage. The only reason she can be who she wants to be is because of the hard work and sacrifice of all the activists that paved the way for her. You can bet that they were mostly, (if not all), Democrats.She owes them. Big time.

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Her "courage and grace" mean jack shit to republicans. Those are two human qualities Republicans despise utterly. They want her gone...now.

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I would imagine any of those old Wheaties boxes that might remain will be worth a hefty chunk of money...

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I would say she did an exceptionally good job of both acknowledging and using her privileged soapbox in the very speech this article is about, which is worth actually listening to.

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Oh the hyperbole!

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This was her "It gets better" moment.

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Clarence Thomas voting against marriage rights springs immediately to mind.

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That's a bit too close to the way fundie Christians think. How is that different from their "you can't be good unless you're born again" nonsense? You're basically arguing the same thing, that a person has to 100% fit the "right" ideological and personal mold to have worth or merit.

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Will and Grace, also too. Which did a remarkably sneaky thing by using the flamboyant guy to highlight the normality of the other gay man as a regular kind of guy.

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Without that privilege she wouldn't have had the audience for her message. So I don't get why people would complain about it. It's the message she can get out there that matters, not her that matters.

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Dumbell got the hammer, so I'm leaving my last reply here:

I'd have to ask them. You're confusing "gender" with "sex." Gender is an identity and a psychological manifestation, as is sexual attraction. Sex has to do with one chromosome out of 46. In most people, gender identity and sexual attraction meshes with that particular chromosome. For some it doesn't. But just because you experience the world that way doesn't make it the only way anyone can experience it, or the right way.

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Really? You can't see the difference?I don't know where this 100% stuff came from, but I think she owes a debt to the LGBT community.I guess we'll agree to disagree.

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Erm...well, honestly, I think the trans community and the LGBT community in general can do better in our choice of "heroes." (Just putting it out there.)

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Yes we will.

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