... I believe that Caitlyn Jenner has already admitted that, while this is a personal journey for her, she admits that she would be stupid to ignore the business opportunity that might result from a reality show based on her new life (Might be <mis> quoting from recent memory based on what I half-heard on the news while in the kitchen cooking dinner).

I would rather she did something different to raise awareness and acceptance of the trans-gender community, but I guess you have to grab the opportunities you're offered. Also, too... there are bills to be paid, and children to take care of - those obligations didn't disappear overnight.

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... please bear in mind that Caitlyn (nee Bruce) has has a lot of plastic surgery over the years struggling with this decision, and the desired effect of that procedure is to sculpt a more youthful person. A tighter "canvas" to cosmetically "paint" can have remarkable results. Add photographically proficient lighting... and P-shop almost becomes an incidental afterthought.

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... and Raquel Welch never fails to disengage my lower jaw from my upper whenever I've seen her throughout the years. Yeah, sure, I've heard all the snide comments about how silicon doesn't degrade, blah blah blah... I DGAF. Raq has always been the sex symbol so many others aspired to (After MM and A-M).

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"Cavuto ends the segment with the words, “Rome, final days, but that’s fine!” because Neil Cavuto knows what caused the fall of Rome, and it is transgender people."

Crap! I just knew those liberal college professors were lying to me about why Rome fell. They were just acting as stooges for the liberal perverts! I should have gone to Liberty, where I could have learned the truth. j

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... while I've been guilty of judging people by their political affiliation, I've learned that can often be a knee-jerk reaction to be regretted later. LGBT, African-American, Latino, Female Republicans... I may not understand their voting predilections, but I respect their right to their own beliefs.

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A very good point. Withdrawn!

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Nobody's too broken. Period. Some just take longer than others. IT GETS BETTER.

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Caitlin Jenner...........The left's masturbation icon


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That are that, aren't they? Perhaps we should rename them 'Justin Bieber birds'

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I have been looking for men's size 13 stilettos forever. Wonder if she has any shopping suggestions?

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Plus you feel really weird petting senators on the nose and giving them carrots.

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It's of only passing interest to the TG people I know. Though one is also 65 and does NOT look that good. (If she hadn't spent half her life outside fishing it might have been different.)

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Every transgender woman I know looks way better than me. Stating that, it occurs to me that I seem to have an extremely ecumenical set of acquaintances, which is perhaps the problems with the bigots on Faux, who only ever encounter their own clones*

*with apologies to Clone-Americans

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Blessed Be.

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Seriously? Why is it that all you conservatives can think about is sex?

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Or the dogs with bees in their mouths.

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