Seems like she should let him out?
Butters can also commit mass murder when he tap dances. Don't tell me he isn't Satan's minion.
So it's kind of an unconventional answer that I honestly get mocked for, by you know, by the other side of this war.
The incivility!!!!
It's an autonomic function, like a heart beating.
And then he goes into the closet – which is where I had been when I was praying
Well, some people's closets do kinda look like altars. But I don't think it's Jesus they are worshiping.
So a woman with *literal* delusions and paranoia is running for high political office. Cool, cool.
as if you'd have a closet like that and then drop your designer (prolly expensive) bag and shoes there
she could also possible just be running a grift, TFG kind of bounces between those two universes as well
Nancy Libelz!!11!!!
Slight transcription error: it was a "s c roll" a shrimp & cheese roll which undoubtedly the kid ate because his mother is prolly starving him for jebus.
Worst "crazy scary 'xtian' white lady misinterpretation of Dr. King's 'I Had A Dream' speech ever!"
To make sure there are no gays in there?
Once upon a time religion and science and art were all the same thing... Now they are moving apart.
That is great!
Well who isn't? She's smart, and gorgeous.
I’m sure if she actually read the Book she claims to follow, she’d find that “prophetic dreaming” and “being a seer” are considered no-nos.
Butters can also commit mass murder when he tap dances. Don't tell me he isn't Satan's minion.
So it's kind of an unconventional answer that I honestly get mocked for, by you know, by the other side of this war.
The incivility!!!!
It's an autonomic function, like a heart beating.
And then he goes into the closet – which is where I had been when I was praying
Well, some people's closets do kinda look like altars. But I don't think it's Jesus they are worshiping.
So a woman with *literal* delusions and paranoia is running for high political office. Cool, cool.
as if you'd have a closet like that and then drop your designer (prolly expensive) bag and shoes there
she could also possible just be running a grift, TFG kind of bounces between those two universes as well
Nancy Libelz!!11!!!
Slight transcription error: it was a "s c roll" a shrimp & cheese roll which undoubtedly the kid ate because his mother is prolly starving him for jebus.
Worst "crazy scary 'xtian' white lady misinterpretation of Dr. King's 'I Had A Dream' speech ever!"
To make sure there are no gays in there?
Once upon a time religion and science and art were all the same thing... Now they are moving apart.
That is great!
Well who isn't? She's smart, and gorgeous.
I’m sure if she actually read the Book she claims to follow, she’d find that “prophetic dreaming” and “being a seer” are considered no-nos.