Congress seems like a blue light special in comparison.

California State Legislature. Yep, there's an ATT for that.

Ironically, the legislative access cost a lot more than AT&T expected because the first 1000 minutes of lobbying are included, but additional minutes are 45 cents, except on weekends or with individual legislator on their Friends & Family Top Ten list (only available with Premium Plus™ plan).

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Plus you need to bribe the local pols for the zoning decisions that allow you to put up the towers. Assuming you had the necessary spectrum allocations from the FEC (you didn't think the T-Mobile merger was about the Anne Hathaway lookalike did you?)

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i had three of these about a year go. one was a 'subscription' for security tracking i never ordered. took me forever to get them cleared up.

course on the plus side, i got to yell at a bunch of assholes which is always fun.

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THERE's that invisible hand working its magic on the free market.

knew it was around somewhere.

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