Every Republican in every state claims that all of their state's jobs are moving to other states with lower taxes. I'd like to know which state this is.

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Vote Cyrano Jones/Harry Mudd!

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Californians live in the highest poverty state in the nation.

Wait, what? http://www.worldatlas.com/a...

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More dangerous than an idea that puts everyone off their guard and allows the lunatics to take over? It's a very dangerous idea, one that people indulge in because it allows them to stop thinking about the future and just assume that the world will just keep getting better. I think we've seen how well an idea like that works out.

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Zackly. All those calls from headhunters are just for show (one actually emailed me AT WORK yesterday).

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... There ya go. Trek-style

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I miss Barney.

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I wonder what actress would play HOOFWANKING BUNGLECUNT WHOREMONKEY in a movie.

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"them", you know, those brown things.

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I still don't understand that myself. Of course, every time I've tried to watch it, it has been late at night and I wake up at the end going WTF? Although, I was once leaving the grocery store and the auto doors wouldn't open. I said, "Open the pod bay doors, Hal. Hal, open the pod bay doors." The woman next to me didn't have a clue.

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YAAAY! I lost track of her, and now you've reunited us!

You're a gentleman and a scholar

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Not raising wages and eliminated public aid is the best way to help families put food on the table, isn't it?

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Did you get to the end about the Girl Scout cookies?

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At lest if this guy gets voted out he can always work for the California Tourism Board,

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This is why the Republican party is dead in California. They run around insisting Dems have turned the place into a crime infested hell hole where business is fleeing, and everyone is mired in poverty. Californians look out their window and don't see quite the same thing, and then they go to a red or purple state for work or to visit relatives and say to themselves, "sure housing is cheap here, but that's because no one wants to live in this shithole", and can't wait to get back to California. Californians figure if the Republicans are lying about our state, then they are probably lying about everything else.

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