Next will be Calories.

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Or try telling it to <a href="http:\/\/www.scientificamerican.com\/article.cfm\?id=portugal-drug-decriminalization" target="_blank">Portugal</a>, <a href="http:\/\/www.globalpost.com\/dispatch\/mexico\/091018\/drug-decriminalization-marijuana" target="_blank">Mexico, Colombia, Argentina</a>...

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A while ago Mrs. Sulli was channel-surfing and spotted the Priest she liked enough to actually get to church for occasionally before he moved on, on <a href="http:\/\/www.telecaretv.org\/" target="_blank">Telecare</a>.

I believe the discussion got around to weight loss, and Jared's name came up. Father Jim declared "I hate that guy. I really do."

I see why my wife liked him ;)

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Let's hope it's a hipster trend - because that means it'll be over in a couple of months.

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I have always wondered: Did anyone ever *really* talk like that? Or was this subculture just the fabrication of some wannabe-hipster 80s movie writer?

My oldz is such that I was where I should have experienced first hand this alternate dialect. But all I member was it being used in a mocking sense by my then fellow not-oldz.

I can haz silly 80s wayz to sez tingz?

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=KVdqwD_bcPs#at=234" target="_blank">Immediately where my mind went...</a>

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"I pity the poor fool who don't eat my cereal!"

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Actually, the creator of that story was -- Harlan Ellison!

*Nerd giggle*

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<i>Nancy Reagan coined the now-famous slogan “Just say no” </i>

She was actually talking about how to help the homeless.

Sadly her husband didn't take her advice and spent his time in the White House on acid 24x7.

Today's Repubicans certainly learned from her.

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I'm thinking that Dianne is just sitting in her cubicle, trying to look busy, you guys.

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And nor have most of us bought whore diamonds from him.

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Why, like it was just yesterday.

Oh wait, it was. And the day before, and the day before that....

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"There is no better way to reduce criminal recidivism. "

Nothing keeps people out of jail better than jailing them.

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Yeah, someone should inform Ms. Feinstein that the measure of success of an advertising campaign is not awareness, but conversion.

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Plus, Marvin Gaye rules.

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And everybody knows there's no drugs in prison.

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