They live in Sactown which is one of the cheapest larger metro area in the state, new houses there are going for a little over 120k.

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Do you think voters think about anything before they vote in California ? They have elected a movie star governor twice and have changed their mind on marijuana 3-4x in the past 10 years.

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Orange County cities always have a death threat or two every year against "Librul" legislators. This stretches back decades.

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Better than my Uni president who makes over 1000 a day and is raising tuition by 30%.

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2/3rds would be fine if legislators were not all ear to ear smiling sociopaths and actually could compromise on anything.

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Just eat it, make some cannabutter and mix it with everything. You can use the trim after growing to make the butter in a crock pot.

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blow me mike.

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Same thing up here in P-town but it is mostly graphic designers on the way to Trimet.

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Hookers and coke are now "free speech", according to Scalia's Citizens United decision.

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<i>quaalude haze </i>

Hellooo! 1976 called. It wants its stash back.

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My response exactly. This is today's WTF moment.

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So that means that they usually get $542/day that they work? I'd be more concerned about that information getting around.

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“I now have to explain to my wife and daughter that we won’t be able to pay the bills because <strike> a politician chose to grandstand at our expense</strike> I double-dared the controller to follow through and lost"

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So much upfist.

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Huh, looks like Downfisty feels for the downtrodden legislature.

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