Not saying that bottled water doesn't come in handy during emergencies, just ridiculous for day to day hydration. Feel for you peeps there in OH, must suck! Hope this nastiness is over soon.

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Ahh, I miss classic Tab soda. It was a great boon for when you were running late for work in the morning. You could skip brushing your teeth and just grab a Tab as you headed out the door. Take a few mouthfuls as you headed into work. You could practically feel the acid etching the plaque right off your teeth.

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Hmmm, is Pepsi Max fluoridated? Asking for a friend.

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That's mental floridosis.

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The hours of re-runs make XM Radio totally worth it.

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We can always hope that Harvard and/or MIT will be called on to do the study. I mean, that's a shitload of local talent.

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Leave it to the fuckwits, and the one and only science they'll approve of will be boner pills.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.ny2o.com\/media\/wysiwyg\/comany_bottle.png" target="_blank">Problem solved! </a>

"Born in the Catskills"... but no mention of the long trip in a big pipe.

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Most every chemical is a "toxic industrial waste product" . . . very few processes generate a single material. Try not to use scare words.

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Which is worse? Dental fluorosis or getting pubic hair stuck between your teeth?

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Cartalk dental fluorosis consultant, Carie Brown.

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<i>The City Council last week passed a policy order requesting the City Manager look into the “the risks and benefits of the effects of continuing to fluoridate the city’s water supply.</i>

Harvard may be there, but obviously this brain trust didn't take advantage of it.

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Hey! I resemble that remark!

(But then I moved to France, where the REAL socialists live. Take that, Massachusetts libertards!)

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People still drink tap water? I know I do, but so many idjits keep paying for that Fuji stuff that gets flown in. Very eco of you. Oh! and Aquafina - not even spring water - tap water they run through a filter; or so the story goes. Save your money sheeples and drink tap.

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True confession- my sons grew up on well water, and we didn't even use fluoride drops as we were told we should. They brushed their teeth with fluoride toothpaste, and their teeth turned out JUST FINE.

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