Thank you IRA, I just paid a pittance to have my house insulated. On to installing the heat pumps!

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The Democrats and the Progressives gotta win big in 2024 for this momentum to continue. The GOP is giving us a hint of how they wanna derail everything so they can go back to burning oil and coal like there's no tomorrow.

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I have a few codes also too, Dok, if you've got people looking.

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You mean a blue sky invitation?

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Yes. I took a long break from commenting so I don't recognize a lot of the new folks but if doc vouches for them I'll send him my codes to forward.

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Thank you! I'm new since Substack. I read some hilarious writing by Gary Legum. That led me to Wonkette. More great writers! I love it. But look out on the commenting, even before the Middle East erupted in horror, people on line were irritable. Sigh.

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You are kind of the reason we are here. (Self-edits snarkful `Thanks a lot, Blue!', given that you are a newbie and possibly lack context.) Noble Editrix thought we would benefit from fresh readership, and led us (dragged us kicking and fussing and holding our noses) into the Promised Substack. (Most of us have gotten over our big selves by now, other than the occasional "lack of embedded cat picture" whimpers).

But you should probably know that we tend to politely read the columns, because it's expected, but many of us are more or less here for the comments, and it's not so much that we are irritable as we like to play hot potato and you are expected to lob them back, not hold them until they explode.

Telling you this because of how on account you are part of the family now and we slid down a spot at the table and threw another potato in the pot.

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Thanks a lot Ontheotherhand! LOL! Ouch, me fingers are singed but I do love all things potato so I will push forward. I do thank you for allowing space and for taking the time to explain some things to me. Several other kind commenters have enlightened me regarding Massholes, Open Threads and non-commenting. I'm relieved to hear that I'm not the only one jumping to the comment section! I couldn't help myself given certain decisions recently handed down in a NY fraud trial. And just so you know, the irritability I referenced was in no way confined to Wonkettes, Wonkers or just Wonks. I observed it all over the place beginning late Septemberish. No offense intended! Cheers, thanks, blessings and pass those mashers, please!

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[slides bowl down the table]

Very well then! Some folks have been appalled by the artfully-slung I-love-you's cleverly encoded as insults, at the earworm food-fights, and above all, the AMA pun chains that can turn into ear-chewing, bunny-kicking kitten combats.

We can be [considers how to say this] a bit much. However, if you would know us, observe how quickly wagons circle when there is Need.

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Well, I sent the email to Dok in time to get a Blue Sky invitation, and now I'm there. Zyxomma has arrived! Ta, Dok.

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That photo! LOL. He's eating ice cream too!

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If the estate tax can be called the death tax, and the Affordable Care Act can be called Obamacare, then

"[Laws can] get better names retroactively, maybe something as simple as the “American Climate Plan”."

Just gotta decide to make it so. Republicans have shown us the way - we just need to practice it.

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"Damn socialists are EVERYWHERE!"

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Since I can't watch climate-killing republicants getting what they deserve, here's a refreshing video of Russians and their shit getting blown up in Ukraine.


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Joe's ice cream cone sure looks tasty.

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Random thought:

I'm increasingly of the mind that Tarantino loves himself just a little too much and writes his scripts with an eye on just how often he can slip the N-word in just because he likes to use it.

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I once described Tarantino's movies as "unlikable characters doing unpleasant things for implausible reasons"

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While I haven't really seen a lot of Tarantino's movies I have read more than a bit about him.

He sounds to me like a thoroughly detestable egomaniac and I really hope that someone pisses on his shoes one of these days.

Preferably while Tarantino is wearing them.

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wouldn’t piss on his shoes if his feet were on fire … saw pulp fiction & was mildly amused by some of the characters … he’s largely hype & murder porn …

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Yes, how he fucked up Uma Thurman for a stunt in Kill Bill is disgusting.

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I came to this same conclusion long ago. Yet another narcissistic edgelord fuckhead.

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When his girlfriend Mira Sorvino complained that Weinstein had attempted to abuse her, he shrugged it off as something that happens with Weinstein.

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QT has always impressed me as a barely concealed piece of shit.

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In love with his own reflection.

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Had to replace our furnace, Oliver Sudden, so went with a heat pump (which should start Wednesday). C'mon rebates!

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I read that twice, first thinking that perhaps you named all of your appliances, and Oliver had Sadly Passed.

I is a sharp cookie.

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That bridle is a hot mess, but Dark Brandon doesn't even need it! He can ride at dawn hands free while spreading climate change programs and eating ice cream all at the same time.

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Khal Joe...

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It is known!

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I’m of the opinion that getting private industry hooked on that sweet green energy cash will go a long ways towards gutting the 2025 bullshit. The energy sector isn’t wedded to “conservative” ideology. They are more “show me the money” and I’m hopeful their lobbying will slow the roll of Republicans who have similar greedy interests.

Fingers crossed, though, because the people Trump has emboldened are nihilists. So maybe they care more about a victory over liberals than the fortunes of their benefactors.

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Fuck. A synagogue president in the Detroit area was stabbed to death today.


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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

A peace activists who worked for human rights for all people.

Despite the situation, I have a bias towards it being a Christian, as with the six year old boy.

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I ran to the googles. Samantha Woll. She’d previously worked for Elissa Slotkin and Dana Nessel.

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It's easy to jump to conclusions in this climate. She was probably killed by a man for reasons that have nothing to do with her religion, which is absolutely typical. Nevertheless, it seems that Detroit has lost a beautiful soul.

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I can’t upfist, just $&*@#%&*$&*.

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Seconded. Who does that kind of shit?

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Oh god.

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People's hateful rhetoric has real physical consequences, and I wish the powers that be would realize this.

Laws that are supposed to protect the public from inciting violence are so loose as to be completely useless.

E.g. Xitter, which is basically just a hate machine now, and it's perfectly OK b/c "freeze peach."

I'm just sickened.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Doktor Zoom

Anger overwhelms me. I have no words acceptable to post here.

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It doesn't help Tlaib is spreading disinfo in her home state

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Doktor Zoom

I am listening to the fabulous, late great Tina Turner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM0J05SjFHI.

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I personally think Simba, Li'l Feller, and Larry the Cat need to form a reigning triumvirate to save the world.

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Li'l Feller's on fire today.

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Given how climate change is going, we will all be on fire before long.

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lol. I didn't even see what I did there, but you did!

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