Then in your case, email it to friends who'd like and share it, who do use FB or tweet or whatevs. And also in your case, it's the thought that counts since you're wise enough to avoid social media.

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Sensitive back-channel? You don't say!

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Brian Krassenstein@krassenstein

36 minutes. That's all it took for these these 4 actions to take place on 6/9/16:

Agalarov Calls Don Jr. to discuss Trump Tower meeting

Don. Jr has call with someone at a blocked number (Father?)

Don Jr. calls Agalarov back

Trump sends his first tweet about Hillary's emails

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Or it's the kitten Kaboodles!

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When the Comey letter came out I knew it was over. Her poll number dropped to within the margin of error and I knew too many folks on the left who hated HRC and would never vote for her and had many discussions and even pleaded with friends and family to not vote 3rd party. It damaged some friendships with folks who I ordinarily agree politically, they thought I was selling out for voting (and volunteering) for Hillary.

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Yeah, there a bunch of that going around. I think Slate ran an interview with the NYT reporter who broke this story. He's big on the sensitivity of secret Arab back channels.

I'm sure Jared Kushner would agree.

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A ride in a tumbrel cart will do nicely.....

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I am and I do! : D

I live in New York State, so my vote doesn't count much in presidential elections, but in local stuff, yeah.

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Much as I try not to comment on people's looks...Dolt 45 sure produced some unattractive offspring.

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One of my father's favorite sayings is "passel of assholes." I may have to start using that one again.

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They're rich, they don't understand this whole getting caught or people actually trying to catch them thing. They're used to doing whatever the fuck they want and no one investigating their public declarations.

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What Trump should be disgusted by is that Junior and Jared and others were not informants for the FBI. They should have gone to the FBI the moment Russia put out feelers to the campaign.

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Their character is far more unattractive than their appearance.

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You should be getting a lot more credit because you are getting at the heart of the matter in my opinion. Donald Trump was raised by people who told him he could literally have whatever he wanted, no matter the cost to others. He's lived his entire life this way and surrounded himself with people of the same mindset. People are in disbelief that this guy could be so dumb, but the answer is as simple as it gets.

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How many Russian operatives can DT jr stuff in his bikini bottoms? Crowded much?

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