Second best movement I had today.

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Memorized, is what I was getting at. YOU ARE STILL #BLESSED

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I don't want to argue, but I believe I could eat more than one lobster a day.

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Or he could just fuck off to somewhere and spend the rest of his life enjoying his money. JFC, I do not understand these attention seeking clowns.

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He can start a podcast.

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Groom of the Stool was a highly sought after role. Yes, you had to wipe Henry VIII's arse; but you were guaranteed lots of one-on-one time with the man who controlled the gravy train. It also showed the world just how much he liked and felt comfortable with you!

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TBF, $27 million is more than the alleged billionaire spent from his personal forture on two presidential bids. Even though he initially claimed he wouldn’t take any donations.

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No, that's more Huckabee country.

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He's not a social creature who likes to hear himself talk, as he was described. He's a malignant narcissist, and I'm beginning to think practically everyone in politics falls into that category.

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I'm so glad all these Wonketteers were here to witness this fine example of genuine online gibberish.

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I've been with groups of people where I could sit for hours and not say a single word, and no one would notice.

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Let's not forget PETA. Radical extremists among them opened a no-kill dog shelter in Virginia. Many people turned dogs in to them specifically because it was a no-kill shelter. The people running it thought that pet ownership was slavery and killed every dog that came through the door because they believed death was better than slavery.

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Yet there are more than a few whose undies remain bunched because they believe it’s real.

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DeathSanta (Happy Holidays!) has no reason to replace the Florida Surgeon General. The Florida Surgeon General is marching in lockstep with him.

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He's going to pull an Elon on the Republican National Committee. I can't even.

This is the part where I remark that even they can't be stupid enough to let this happen, but, then, I remembered that we stopped saying that sometime in the late teens because it was never, never true.

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Remember, no original thought on the right. This works, so more. The only thing they know is build a bigger thunderdome.

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