The silver lining to Prince Erik’s viceroy plan is that if had been carried out it would’ve eventually gotten him killed. With votes.

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This family needs to be shot into space a wall, with diplomacy or something.

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No American should use the title viceroy. I don't even like tsar. Tsars in U.S. government are administrators or commissioners. That's your title. You aren't Queen Victoria's cousins or colonizers.

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In any decent country, the scAmway, billionaire, foreign-registered yacht, privatizing schools, fascist, offshore accounts, Christonut, mercenary assholes would already be locked up.

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Like Gadaffi.

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How is this fucker not in prison by now

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I always like to remind people that Prince is not only a grifting grifter, but that he's also a piece of shit husband. He knocked up the family nanny while his wife was dying of cancer. But we should all believe that he's a good, upstanding Xtian, yep, yep, sure. What a peach!

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I knocked up our maid but everyone now likes me. Time heals everything. —Arnold Schwarzenegger

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