Our current Wisconsin Supreme Court is bought and paid for by GOP billionaires. One decision to ban ballot drop boxes, because they are not secure...but you can drop them in a mail box...is one example of the fear of voters.

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Ted Sandyman .... what's the opposite of libelz?

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yes. only the lege can approve putting referenda on the ballot. That's why the upcoming ballot will have a stupid referendum on making able bodied adults on medicaid look for work (or something), but repealing the abortion law passed before WI was even a state is not.

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It is true that Trump might rather be sentenced for house arrest or something.But you overly defeatist. The Gaetz case relied on ONE serial liar witness, and one other that stepped back.

Trump is facing a plethora of much more significant crimes, from different DAs, with a truckload of evidence around.And as soon as the first DA comes up with an indictment, the others will follow.

So, at least wait for the partial release of the GA grand jury report tomorrow, shall we.

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ah...thanks for the update...

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And this is one of the many reasons I have always preferred Perry Mason to any version of the Law & Order franchise.

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And I laughed my ass off when he lost reelection and got locked out of a recount due to the sore loser law he himself signed into law.

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Hamilton often accuses Perry of chicanery, but you know, I think he's got a point. Like I remember one episode where Perry bought a small apartment building so that, as its owner, he could have legal access to a crime scene. That's legal, I guess, but it's also clearly shady.

There was one episode that showed about a half dozen men playing poker around a table; they were all dressed similarly and looked a lot alike. In fact, they looked like Hamilton Burger. So I've decided that there are a half dozen Hamilton Burgers that hang out together, and it's just a reality in the "Perry Mason" universe that nobody thinks is odd or worthy of mention.

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QKB and I are fans too. I don't know if that's a positive or negative endorsement, but there it is.

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It doesn't help that MB was hammered by the most racist media campaign since "Willie Horton".

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Interesting what ads are running in the north country: Protasiewisc makes fun of her name and promises to protect freedom, which is way to say restore abortion rights without upsetting the forced birthers. Kelly’s ad is a screamfest about Madison liberals, which didn’t work for the Republican Connecticut resident candidate for governor. Some is running anti-Dorrow ads accusing her of releasing criminals which is ironic when applied to the right wing judge who thinks she can ride her trial of the Parade Massacre killer to a seat with the Supremes. There’s an intriguing use of typical right wing ad styles for a liberal and against a conservative candidate. Also a right wing law group is suing Protasiewisc because she privately is clear she supports reproductive rights, as if it’s unfair for voters to know that - so she keeps it out of her ads. Touché!

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Patience Roggensack, one of the conservative justices, is retiring at the end of her current term this year, and ... oh, wait, you want an explanation for the name "Patience Roggensack"?

Bud Barton: The Sidewinder!Taylor Barton: Your sister's name is Patience!~ Support Your Local Gunfighter

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My readings of The Progressive Era in America (1880's-1919) lead me to posit a truly socialist trend indigenous to America with some help from European socialists. Places like Wisconsin, Kansas, Iowa became hotbeds of progressivism due to radicalization of farmers and laborers during The Gilded Age. Immediately following WWI, the ruling classes pissed themselves with fear (The Red Scare) and went all out to crush this movement, and with help from The Great Depression and WWII largely succeeded. To this day Americans still recoil in horror at the word "socialism".

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Ok, so don't use his co-conspirator. Where is the victim(s). Seems like their testimony would be even more relevant that Greenbergs anyway.

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Thanks. This is very interesting.

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Of the Northumberland Ruggernoggin's?

Wonderful family, always provide a wonderful spread on St Jerktuggers day!

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