There could never have been a Rump if Shrub hadn't paved the way for him, though. With the yellow brick road of jingoism showing the way Rump managed to capitalize on the ethos "you're with us or you're with the terrorists" to widen the split that Shrub had made into a gaping chasm. I don't think the country has been this divided politically since the Great Depression, unfortunately I don't see an FDR on the horizon (Alexandria Ocasio isn't old enough to run for president yet).

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I think the rider declaring that this decision could not be used as precedent for any future court decision was a bit of a blatant admission that they knew they were doing the wrong thing. (Of course it has been used as precedent elsewhere.)

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Clarence Thomas's wife was already working for the Shrub transition team when they made their ruling and should have recused himself. Scalia's son was working for the law firm representing Bush, and immediately after the decision was made their youngest full partner ever. If these two had recused themselves as they were required to the world would be a different place today.

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the only things "requiring" the recusals is common sense and reasonable ethics.

SCROTUS has no code of ethics! . . . but needs one, badly!

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see: SCROTUS code of ethics!

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A Republican who draws a line, ANY line, is a “good” Republican, right? Sorta like Albert Speer was a “good” Nazi because he merely built the architectural apparatus for the Holocaust. He only got 20 years.

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As Oliver Wendell Holmes put it, "A ruling is not merely addressed to the parties before the court, but to all the other parties who will not need to go to court if they know what the court will do." Saying that it was not a precedent was an admission that it was not a judicial ruling at all, but merely a political act.

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It was still around about 4 or 5 years ago. Not really a fan of efficient methods for gathering unreliable* data.

I don't think you'd have to pay people. More like "SETI @home".

*yes, I am aware of methods for measuring and controlling for "inter-rater reliability"

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I like Republican "presidents" who concede when they lose the popular vote and aren't installed by their daddy's friends on the Supreme Court, but I guess I'm just funny that way.

And Liz Cheney is still the Spawn of Satan.

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That meme should be required viewing for the people that get angry when they hear "Black Lives Matter"

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Yeah, I really despised him as Governor of NH, but didn't he serve in Obama's cabinet?

(I'm thinking Sununu pere, not the current one)

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Hmm, will Wyoming part with Cheney? She bought her seat in the first place having prolly never spent much time in Wyoming until she decided she wanted to carry on the family legacy of crapping on poor people and keeping the war machine turned to 11.

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Mary Tudor?

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I dunno; Michelangelo's version of the Sibyl was pretty butch -- I mean, lookit those guns...


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Not in my county - at least not in a way that affects the number of food stamp cards they are issued - cause jeebus wants them to be assholes and multiply -

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