no, in the same way that I am pro 'right to euthanasia' without advocating for everyone to have one.

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So, what is your objection to 'pro-abortion'?

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that it sounds like you are promoting it

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That's what some are, but just as not all anti-abortionists are against every abortion, not all pro-abortionists are in favor of all abortions. In practice, words like pro-choice or anti-abortion do little more than indicate a political tendency, just as Democrat and Republican are indicators -- but only imprecise ones-- of whether a person will support a particular policy.

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Meaty, but the bones detract from the overall desirability.

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Google is your friend,,,

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In a functioning democracy, Donald Trump and at least 75% of the GQP, state local and national would have long ago been rounded up, investigated, tried and imprisoned for treason and/or armed insurrection against the state. Had they been poor and sporting brown epidermis they certainly would have been, but then we don't live in a functioning democracy.

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HA HA HA YES! Every woman should do this to these scammin'-ass MFers.

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not even the most fervent pro-abortionists go door to door to talk people into having them.

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it's nOt a Dem0crazee, iTs a RepuLik

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the ones refusing to investigate these traitors are breaking their oath too. Oathes are meaningless now.

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I am not pro-abortion as much as pro - stay out of the medical decisions of others, and I believe that most of those who are anti-abortion are also anti-birth control, which means that they are really about controlling a woman's sexual behavior. They are also mostly against gay marriage which, again, is about controlling sexual behavior of everyone who is not a heterosexual male. None of them seem to be eager to pay for poor children to have health care, adequate food, child care or even homes to live in if they are homeless. I hate the idea of abortion and have never had one but I also understand that we, as a society, don't do anything to prevent the reasons that some women need or want it. Let's start by fighting for widely available, free, birth control methods and universal health care.

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You just gave away your scam when you wrote "not all anti-abortionists are against every abortion"

Hahaha! Your SO funny!

They only abortions they are not against are the ones they decide to pay for on their way to the House or Senate...

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If surveys are correct, then many people who consider themselves antiabortion are also in favor of exceptions in cases of rape and incest.

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Not the right win g politicians pushing the total bans and personhood bill.

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I'd be happy with "pro-choice" and "anti-choice" too because that's what it comes down to—whether you, as a woman, have a choice over what to do or not do with your own body when it comes to pregnancy.

Not all pro-choice women would have an abortion themselves, and would therefore be "anti-abortion" in a sense—BUT they respect the rights of other women to make those decisions for themselves. I think that is the key distinction.

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