When I lost my good games job (after 20 years) I worked for an auto paint store. I was the delivery guy. The manager was Hispanic and he was also part-time pastor and......MAGA.

Pretty much his take was that all "those people" at the border (trying to get in) were trash. Thankfully before I could respond the junior member of this team/store (also Hispanic) called him out on that statement.

I lasted almost a year in this position. I decided to retire early. There are times I'm sure I bit a hole in my tongue.

Now....let's discuss my customers. Ha.

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And who corrupted those "failed" states? And how does one define "failed"... is Peru a "failed state", is Afganistan? Ukraine?

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Venezuela and Cuba are both having economic difficulties due to US SANCTIONS more than anything to do with their internal markets. AND, BTW, Venezuela is more capitalist than Marxist, with other than a few key industries (like petroleum) state owned (as in several capitalist countries) and a few "alternative" publically owned businesses (a state run budget grocery chain), some public housing... much less state control of the market less Sweden and much less than France.

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I wonder if it just isn't nature's way of controlling the human population. At least in those wealthy countries, which seem to show the greatest decline. Less rich, less resource depletion. Something I remember from Forestry school (40+ years ago) is that in an environment under stress from surplus populations, the mutations that are beneficial (like a lower birth rate) tend to be the successful ones. It's that, or culling the herd thru pandemics.

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In closing, how and when did your ancestors come to this country and did they come here legally?

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He learnt 'copy'. He learnt 'paste'. He clever on internets!

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If I'm reading it correctly, Title 42 means EVERYBODY gets deported whether they have a valid asylum claim or not. With it lifted, there may be an increase of people pretending to be asylum seekers rather than simply undocumented, to delay being deported.

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I'd like to see it remade so that the lead characters can be played by actual drag queens and trans women. The actors did a magnificent job, but some of the most iconic queer roles in cinema history should not remain played by straight cis men.

But that's absolutely the only criticism that can be made of that film.

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I think Thunder's talking about American states, as in Florida and Texas.

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Because the "disease" was Brown Person Cooties.

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We need someone with the vision Dejoy had when he took the helm at the USPS.

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My great-great grandfather was an illegal immigrant, and a criminal to boot. He left Ireland with the Queen's soldiers chasing him for the crime of teaching people to read (so the story goes). Landed in Canada and went back and forth across the border because he was still considered a criminal, yet Irish immigrants were not permitted to enter the US at that time (so the story goes) and somewhere along the line picked up a bride that was descended from Methodists and Revolutionary War soldiers etc., who was struck from the family bible for marrying an Irish Catholic (so the story goes). Hey, they're good stories.

They settled in WI, built up farms and property, both died in their early fifties, but left their three sons and one daughter well-provided for. Two of the sons fought as Union soldiers. So I am the proud descendent of the same kind of people that walked hundreds of miles with kids to have a chance for a better life.

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And atheists.

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Right after Infrastructure Week.

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You're adorable, sweetheart. Hit me with more propaganda, you've almost convinced this "leftist clow".

What's a clow, by the way? Is it like a clown cow? A cow clown? Something less than clown, but more than cow? This concept demands elaboration. Maybe you could work on a screenplay instead of wasting your life spreading lies you heard from your corrupt masters.

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So basically, your ancestors were dirt-poor peasants who left their homeland for a better life here in this country! Please explain how your ancestors were better than the folks who try to come to this country everyday!

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