I think, since she loves the flag so much, she should have a US flag tattoo. On her face.

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As an Old, I remember National Lampoon referring to Nixon as a "Cox-sacker." It was funny then, and it's funny now.

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My hands? Sittin' on them.

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Well that didn't take very long did it?Rhetorical question. Why am I not surprised?

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If Trump passed an executive order, (put a nail in his coffin ), would it be Watts or another arm chair protest -a fucking HASH TAG ?So Trump tweets, his opposition responds in kind.

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Green-Wood Cemetery. Probably Prospect Park as well.

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(Is that a reference to a cartoon in which the old gentleman calls "Oh Belvedere! Come hee-yuh boy!"?)

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some of us might be dedd by the time that karma comes by to do that thing with the slowing down to think they are going to give you a ride then speeds off as you try to open the door.

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[Rick James song playing in my head]

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Approximately 40% of the voting-eligible adults identify as "Independents," while about 30% identify as Republican and 30% Democrat. 80% of 30% is only 24%. Historically, many of those so-called "Independents" lean pretty far to the right. It's a conceit designed to harmonize their public "anti-big-government" stance with their political designation. (I know this because my racist shitstain in-laws call themselves "Independents.") The 35% overall approval rating means that only about 23% of these so-called "Independents" (including my fucktrumpet father-in-law) still support Trump. (I'm going to go out on a limb and say that hardly any Democrats support him.) That's actually quite good news.

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obstruction of justice already took place when he got Rosenstein to fire Comey. There's been a lot of chatter but again, when one asks them if they have no decency, they tell you to hold their beer.

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he looked better as a slightly chubby douche with curly hair holding a dead animal than this creature who looks like Ralph Fiennes in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

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I don't think she's old enough to get the belly fat that results despite the diet of one rice cake a day (I'm also getting tired of the blonde rah-rahs...)

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doesn't she already have a granddaughter particle?

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but it reflects well upon them

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Thanks. I'm going to be in Brooklyn this afternoon, but nowhere near the cemetery or the park. There are a few magnolia trees in the neighborhood I'm visiting; I'll look. Thanks again.

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