Interesting. So, only Black homeless people commit crimes? Is that really what you want to say?

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You agree with the conservative. Do you think their concern has any-fucking-thing to do with the well being of these people? Get real. What kind of "solutions" someone like this, who can't even deal with being asked for money in a city where that happens A LOT, would suggest?

Homeless people are a lot more likely to be harmed than cause harm.

I will condemn discomfort because it centers the feelings of the people who are uncomfortable, not the needs of the oppressed.

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I lived in NYC all during the 80s. I had a friend who was going to Columbia and getting her masters in Social Work. I was once at her apartment and I saw that one of her reading materials was someone’s Social Work dissertation. I read it. One of the things I learned from it was that the percentage of chronically homeless people that had serious mental illness was close to 90%. This fact was pretty much highlighted when my friend worked at a women’s shelter that was near the Bus Terminal. It was supposed to be transitional (I think there were about 30 women in it). After treatment and help they were going to be housed in apartments around the city. After working there for 5 years the shelter had at least 25 of the original women. It was enormously difficult to treat the mental illnesses even when they were basically in a half way house and they certainly couldn’t transition to living on their own (even with a regular social worker). They wouldn’t take their meds, they would ‘self-medicate’, and in general it was enormously sad. As far as I can tell (and I have several therapist/Social Worker friends) there has to be shelters with a lot of support to get people truly off the street. Basically a better mental institution than the snake pits that were the hospitals for the mentally ill of the past. They need a bunch of social workers, doctors, and nurses and more than one resident worker. And that would be just for about 30 people at a time.

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I was there in the 80s. We all knew the homeless people that were in our neighborhoods, on the subways we used all the time, and def the ones who were at the Bus Terminal. I saw some serious tragic outcomes. There was one woman who over the course of a year (clearly mentally ill and self-medicated) got pregnant…and continued to be on the street. Then she disappeared. Or the lady at the Bus Terminal who seemed to have it together at some level. She always just asked for a quarter/change and we would all give it her. My friend saw her at the drug store once buying deodorant and other sundries. We figured it was her job and we continued to give her money when we saw her.

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I was homeless for a short while 50 years ago. I have serious sympathy for the homeless, no matter what the reason is.

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Reaping, sowing- I'm from Iowa!! My family would be so ashamed that I didn't know the difference

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It is reality. It can be dangerous. Many homeless need mental help. Pretending they don't doesn't help them or the rest of society. If you know of a policy that will end the growing problem of homelessness, good for you. Spread that knowledge around. So far nothing is working.

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Every time I hear or read "Iowa" I'm reminded of the Caucus Race from Alice.

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I wonder how bad the buyers remorse is with the dems who voted for the new mayor. A real wolf in sheeps clothing.

He flipped a switch within minutes of winning his election and doesn’t care that people noticed.

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We heat with oil.

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I have donated. I have lurked here for decades and loved Becca & Co. for all my adult life. I can only say I got full value and more for every dime.AND THEY HAVE AN EDIT BUTTON!

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This is every single thing I wanted to say said way better

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Damn. You said that well then tied it up TIGHT with a horrific little bow. Kudos to the skill.

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Oh for fuck's sake. The only good thing this convicted felon wack-job arse does is his annual free Christmas dinner for the people in the community who are alone at that time.

His ridiculous Trump truck was an embarrassment to the area during both Trump campaigns, every time it was featured on the national news.

His family has emphasized that he has nothing to do with their trucking business any more.

I believe he even was buddying up with that moonie loonie wearing the bullet decorated crown who is a transplant to the area, that has started his own cult in the Poconos.

I should have expected this but hoped he was following COVID precautions, maybe even "praying for a happy death" but nooooo.

Ugh, even worse he's only a year older than me and is living in south Scranton. At least he's not in the Flats section of South Side where I was raised.

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"No more just doing whatever you want. No. Those days are over." Whadda ya think? This is a free society or sumptin'?

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