Duck dicks are corkscrew shaped. Duck vaginas are too. Their copulation is a brutal and weird process.

See YouTube channel zefrank1, then select video titled True Facts About Ducks. Foooking brilliance.

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We’re old enough to remember when Kristol was a signatory to PNAC (google it)statement invoking a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ to engage public support for Shrub’s Iraq War.Lo and behold, we got one on 9/11/2001. How’s that working out, Billy? And now he wants to run the DNC. Isn’t that special?

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It is a hysterically amusing discussion of duck fucking that I firmly recommend.

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Kristol is an example why psychics never win the lottery. They both have an audience willing to believe (and pay for), just about anything. Even when they are wrong most of time.

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When ever I read about Norquist I always wonder what Karl Rove is up to.

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Lots of Bloomberg ads feature him with Bamz, as if Bamz is endorsing him. By remaining quiet, looks as if Bamz IS endorsing Bloomberg.

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Just as an aside. What did Bill Flaming Arrogant Asshole Wing Nut Krackpot Kristol do to step in and save either his TeaParty or the country from the scourge of Hair Furor? Oh ya. Fucking Nothing.

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Thank you fellow gun person! I heard automatic weapons were great for frying bacon! (Not to mention getting rid of pesky brown people!)

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Bloomberg is using archival footage he's collected over the years. Last night I saw an ad that showed Obama endorsing Elizabeth Warren, in real time if I'm not mistaken (just discovered that I was mistaken). They are all pasting together Obama quotes of support.

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A question I've been asking myself for more than half a century. However, for this moment's purposes, "a guy who thinks everything has gone to hell, and, after reading Wonkette for a couple of years, has now decided to more actively contribute".

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Rightly so! They used to stroll around the place I used to live and I couldn't understand them. They're bodies were like basket balls and their heads were like, like-- tiny crocheted things stuck up on a stick. And I absolutely do believe you when you say that when you started talking they listened to you. Or at least stared at you.

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There was a great deal of rather empty starring, even with the bobbing motion of their feater tufted noggins, emphasis on 'empty'.

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Well then, get busy and ROCK ON.

You're in the right place for that variety of motivation.

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The intellectual ones like Kristol and that tubby man in the sweater-- forgot his name-- their pride is so offended at having to be linked to Trump-- and they rely so much on trashing Democrats-- it's just in their blood. But so what? Now they're driven to trash Trump more--much more. So they do this by acting astonished that Democrats are so bad at beating Trump. I mean, how can Democrats be so lame and foolish? I don't see Jennifer Rubin this way though. She spends her time on tv delineating carefully what crimes against good government the man has achieved this week. She's a woman and doesn't have that need to dominate through scorn. Besides, she really is grossed out.

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"Passivity is a choice," Kristol declares, as if my boy is Black Hamlet.

That's beautiful. Totally loving it.

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