Well, money seems to be a fair bet, since he's being sued for defaulting on about $30k in college loans

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I honestly don't get the appeal of trolling around such an obviously left wing site. I wouldn't visit red state if you paid me, much less tried to comment.

Mommy not give enough hugs and kissies?

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Because either their wives won't let them do anal sex to them, or they are so ashamed of their desire to do butt stuff that they never bring it up at all --- so the thought of other people getting all kinds of anal sex (because they view gay men as a monolithic entity) is rage-inducing.

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I think it's mostly that they hate women, & secretly fantasise about fucking men.

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Are you gonna eat that?

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it was thought that PDS* couldn't affect anybody except old white xians . . . they were wrong.

* Persecution Deficiency Syndrome

[ alas, like AIDS it can get anybody, ronnie ]

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"Rebecca is the owner, editrix and publisher of Wonkette. She was in newspapers for a very long time. Follow her on the Twitter. She is currently on maternity leave, so you didn't just read this post."

Still or again? You're really serious about this mommy blog stuff.

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shiny, too!

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in Ibiza?

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well, you definitely have the first part of that statement right.

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I have a pet theory that those with *more control* (you know who I am talking to nameless IT coder that threatens me with "nice little account you have there, hate to see anything happen to it.") Anyway, none of the columnists see their bios that precede where the comments section would be if Wonkette allowed them. If they could, they would change them more often than their tighty whities.

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[analyses comment] You don't think their fantasies about fucking men are all that secret? - Good point.

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But where are the toy groom-groom action figures? It's not a gay wedding cake without you stick inedible same-gender dolls on top making kissee-kissee.

I know they're inedible. I tried to eat one once. Broke a tooth. That one was a hetero cake, though, maybe the gays do it better.

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I feel I should elaborate:http://theoatmeal.com/

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More like cosplaying Pris from Blade Runner. She's seen things you wouldn't believe...

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I'm really sad because the OP has been deleted and I'm in the mood for some self-hating right-wing porn speak...

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