Here's a linky to the video. If you can get past the urge to punch that punchable face, it's worth a look to see him squirm.
This is significant. Ted Cruz is admitting his party has given up pretending to attract immigrants and non-whites. This admission along with Trump's latest antics signal a more "official" stance from the Republican Party towards those outside their base. This is nothing new but it's nice to see them just coming out and saying it out loud. Thanks, Obama.
You and your antisemitism are pathetic
$A®AH!™ Palin is kicking herself for not having thought of it first. -Though knowing her, she will probably make a faceplace post to claim she did...
Here's a linky to the video. If you can get past the urge to punch that punchable face, it's worth a look to see him squirm.
Yup, plenty of documentation there.
Maybe they have Dorian Gray caucasian portraits of themselves like Jindal also too...
What about all those Canadians in the NHL? Send 'em back, I says!
Being an ignorant, loud-mouthed, openly racist imbecile is the new "integrity".
Don't forget Justin Bieber!
It's like a viral form of political Tourette's...
"Hey, can Latinos even SEE ecards on their Obamaphones?" -Rinse Pubis
Thus why Frank Luntz has a "career".
This is significant. Ted Cruz is admitting his party has given up pretending to attract immigrants and non-whites. This admission along with Trump's latest antics signal a more "official" stance from the Republican Party towards those outside their base. This is nothing new but it's nice to see them just coming out and saying it out loud. Thanks, Obama.
Did you know your screen name means "pus sucker" in Kernewek
I'll give you the repulsive part. Lay off the bullshit about Jews, OK?
Ted Cruz is - er - vertically challenged but not in the John Boehner/Dubya Bush/Peggy Noonan manner
Yeah, as long as the right thing is being done, I don't fret much over what the ulterior motives might be.