At least flight attendants have something legitimate to be angry about, what with the low pay and ever-diminishing value of \"free\" air travel for themselves and their family members.

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they're not too fond of the phrase 'flying waitress' either

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Exactly. Like when you find out an acquaintance, who by all the usual societal measures (has a job, pays taxes, loves his family) is a good person, is also a raving wingnut.

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When you look up the expression "damning with faint praise," you find "better than Lawrence O'Donnell" as the first example.

And here everyone thought MSNBC had hot the bottom when they brought that guy Ed Show back on weekends...

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I was a sexy fat guy.

Now I am a sexy thin guy.

And it's all thanks to this one grueling exercise program combined with pretty strict rules about eating bacon.

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You think I'm fucking with you?

<i>I am not fucking with you.</i>

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I said <em>sexy</em>...

Doesn't that cover it?

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The correct term is "angry harridan."

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Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was skinny as a rail up until my 30s, when fatherhood and regular cooking started taking its toll.

I bulked up to about 245lbs, but I think my natural state is more like I am now, hovering around 200. At 6' 3", any lower and you'd be able to see my heart beating through my chest...

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You should see all the responses I am getting...

(I am not getting any responses, you are right.)

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